Fish Sync 0.6 发布,文件同步应用

jopen 11年前

Fish Sync是一个文件同步应用。它可以在多台计算机之间的传输多个文件夹,并保持这些文件夹的同步。Fish Sync不需要运行在同一组的每台机器上可,只需在机器上启动同步。Fish Sync程序分割成两部分,一个做在后台工作,另一个前端配置工具。这种分离可以让Fish Sync服务运行在不允许有一个GUI界面的服务器上。

发布说明: 此版本包括一些bug修复和小的改进。 Fish-Sync is now more flexible about finding runtime dependencies. The latest version compiles and runs on most Linux distributions and FreeBSD. With minor adjustments to the Makefile, Fish-Sync can also be built and installed on MINIX. Additional improvements include a reduction in the number of dependencies, support for syncing between machines running services on non-standard network ports, and better security key management