基于Arch Linux的桌面Linux发行,Liquid Lemur Linux 2.0 Alpha 1 发布

jopen 10年前

Liquid Lemur Linux是基于Arch Linux的桌面Linux发行。其特色在于Xfce桌面环境,一份定制的Cairo-Dock,以i486内核方式对老旧个人电脑的支持,以及大量的定制脚本和美工。

This is the first Alpha release of the Liquid Lemur Linux 2.0. Please keep that in mind when testing it. 

This release is based on Linux Mint 17 Xfce 64bit. Liquid Lemur is only available in 64bit. Linux Mint was used to reduce development time and because it worked out of the box with my Hybrid desktop. My goal is to build it up from scratch (like I did with the original Liquid Lemur) at some point.

Liquid Lemur uses bits and pieces from Xfce and Window Maker to create a Hybrid desktop of sorts. Tools are included to Morph it into a standard (Legacy) Window Maker look. There is also enough of Xfce installed that one could actually run Xfce instead. Going forward, all Lemur releases will be based on the Hybrid desktop model. There will be no Xfce releases as before.


  • Any issues associated with Linux Mint 17 Xfce may be present in Lemur.
  • The installer is not fully localized for Lemur.
  • The User’s Guide is not complete.
  • The Morpher and Themer tools are functional but still considered experimental.
  • The first-run / Welcome app does not start after install. It can be accessed from the Lemur Tools menu.
  • The Control Center is not complete.

Interested alpha testers can download the release from SourceForge: liquidlemur-1.70.0-a1.iso (1,668MB, pkglist).