Quirky 6.0 发布,Puppy Linux的姊妹项目

jopen 10年前

Quirky是Puppy Linux的姊妹项目,是用一份叫Woof的定制工具创建的Linux发行。其下层的基础构造,例如启动和关机脚本、配制工具、硬件检测、桌面管理、用户界面、加速及一般化的易用性管理等,对所有用Woof创建的发行而言都是共同的,但是,一次专门的创建将会拥有一套不同的软件包选取及进一步的定制(甚至是完全不同的二进制软件包)。Quirky由Puppy Linux和Woof的创始人开发,以挑战极限,在下层基础构造上尝试一些新颖的想法——而它们当中有些可能是激进的或奇异的,正如Quirky这个名字所意味。
Quirky 6.0 发布,Puppy Linux的姊妹项目
Barry Kauler has announced the release of Quirky 6.0, a minimalist distribution (and a fork of Puppy Linux) that attempts to explore new avenues and implement unusual ideas: " Quirky is my fun project to explore new ideas for Linux. I started Quirky Linux in 2009 as a venue to explore new concepts, and I am continuing this. Quirky 6 is the 6.x version series, with a raft of new ideas that I want to try out. It has turned out well, I like it and use Quirky as my every-day Linux distribution. In a nutshell, Quirky 6 is intended to be as small as possible (hence compiled from source in T2), very fast, very simple, and optimised to run on Flash memory media. I also aimed for simplicity, and Quirky is arguably simpler to use than Puppy Linux. There are other extended ideas that are in the pipeline. Quirky 6.0 is deployed as a compressed image for an 8 GB Flash drive." Read the release notes for more information. Download the compressed IMG file from ibiblio.org: quirky6-6.0-8gb.img.xz (110MB, SHA1).
Quirky 6.0 发布,Puppy Linux的姊妹项目