Hamachi的图形化配置工具 Quamachi 0.6.0 发布

openkk 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958319098833259005" target="_blank">Quamachi </a>是 Hamachi 在 Linux 下的一个图形界面的工具。</p>    <p><img alt="Hamachi的图形化配置工具 Quamachi 0.6.0 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/dfbb86043878ceeed0b382ed4429f465.png" width="372" height="448" /></p>    <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958319099648488212" target="_blank">Hamachi </a>是一款利用 P2P 方式来进行文件传输的软件,它能够让使用者穿透防火墙或是 NAT 、 V*N 等网路环境,连接上一个虚拟的网路群组,使用者无论在何处,只要透过 Hamachi 连接上该群组,就能够与群组中的电脑进行文件的分享。相信许多使用者看到这里会开始怀疑安全性的问题,关於这点, Hamachi 早就为你想好了。 Hamachi 提供的是一种加密的资料传输,不像 BT 等 P2P 采用非加密的档案传输方式,因此在资料的交换上更有保障,不需要担心资料曝光的困扰。</p>    <p>Quamachi 0.6.0 改进内容:</p>    <ul>     <li>Network and peer properties can now be viewed. </li>     <li>External options can be configured via the GUI. </li>     <li>Handles cases where user can't control the daemon. </li>     <li>Error messages force the<span class="truncate_more"> main dialog to be visible. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">The Makefile is forced to build in serial mode. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">The Makefile checks directory/file permissions were set. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">The order of execution for the startup code has changed. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">The way messages are handled and printed has improved. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">Most icons have been downsized to 16x16 to reduce bloat. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">Support for the old KDE v3 environment has been removed. <br /> </span></li>     <li><span class="truncate_more">Several minor changes have been made to the code structure<br /> <br /> </span></li>    </ul>    <p></p>