SME Server 9.0 Beta 4 发布

jopen 10年前

SME Server(以前叫做e-smith)由Joseph和Kim Morrison成立于1999年一月。该公司于1999年四月引入了其旗舰软件产品的第一个版本,e-smith server and gateway;至当年年底,已经有数千份e-smith servers运行在从斐济到芬兰的多个国家中。其口碑很快就流传于开发人员及系统集成人员中,他们需要稳固、易用的服务器以面向小型企业的用户群。在2001七月,e-smith被Mitel Networks收购,但之后被作为开放源码产品按照GNU通用公共许可证释出。2013五月,一个新的非盈利性组织被成立起来以管理SME server。出于版权问题的缘故它被改名为Koozali SME Server Inc。单词Koozali与重生之意的Swahili近音。今后的版本将采用这个名字。该发行基于CentOS,目前完全由捐款来资助。
Ian Wells has announced the availability of the fourth and final beta release of SME Server 9.0, an upcoming new release of the project's CentOS-based specialist distribution for servers: "The SME Server development team is pleased to announce the release of SME Server 9.0 beta 4 which is based on CentOS 6.5. This is the final planned beta of SME Server 9.0. This version has the latest OpenSSL to avoid the heartbleed issue. Major changes in this release: the installer has been substantially modified in beta 3; the remaining relevant patches from SME Server 8 have been ported; the spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented; Workstation Backup has had many minor changes; a new feature has been introduced to block SSH login attempts - it is set to reject SSH connections when there have been three or more requests in the previous 15 minutes." Read the rest of the release announcement which includes a detailed changelog. Download: smeserver-9.0beta4-x86_64.iso (632MB, MD5).