最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合

jopen 10年前

1. Walkway.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Walkway.js is an easy way to animate SVG images consisting of line and path elements. Simply create a new Walkway instance with a supplied options object. When you want to start animating call .draw on the returned instance providing an optional callback that will be called when drawing is complete. Currently, Walkway.js only works on path and line elements.

2. Progressbar.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
ProgressBar.js is a beautiful and responsive progress bars with animated SVG paths. With ProgressBar.js, it’s easy to create arbitrary shaped progress bars. This library provides a few built in shapes like Line, Circle and Square but you can also create your own progress bars with Illustrator or any vector graphic editor. ProgressBar.js is lightweight, MIT licensed and supports all major browsers including IE9+. You can change the color of progress bar smoothly with animation. You could also animate any property like stroke width, fill opacity, fill color etc.

3. Chartlist.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Chartist.js is a simple responsive charting library built with SVG. Chartist’s goal is to provide a simple, lightweight and non-intrusive library to responsive craft charts on your website. It’s important to understand that one of the main intentions of Chartist.js is to rely on standards rather than providing a own solution to the problem which is is already solved by the standard.
Chartist works with inline-SVG and therefore leverages the power of the DOM to provide parts of its functionality. This also means that Chartist is not providing it’s own event handling, labels, behaviors and anything else that can just be done with plain HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

4. Vivus

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Vivus is a little JavaScript class to make drawing animation with SVGs in a webpage. Different animations are available, even scripting the entire SVG to do whatever you want.

5. Trianglify

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Trianglify is a javascript library for generating colorful triangle meshes that can be used as SVG images and CSS backgrounds. It was inspired by btmills/geopattern, and uses d3.js to build the polygons and SVG and SVG filters for rendering. It also includes the colorbrewer color palette library to get you up and running quickly.

6. Seen.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Seen.js renders 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas. Seen.js contains a simple abstraction on top of the graphics capabilities of SVG and HTML5 Canvas elements. All of the other components of this library are agnostic to the type of context it will be rendered in.

Seen.js contains a looping, event-firing class for animating scenes. The render context contains a method .animate() which will create and return an animator that is set up to invoke the context’s .render() method. To modify the scene on every frame, listen to the ‘beforeRender’ event.

7. Snap.svg

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM. With a rich animation library and easy event handing, Snap.svg lets you bring your SVG to life.
Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more. Snap.svg is available under an Apache 2 license which means it’s completely open-source, and completely free.

8. Raphael

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library.

9. SVG.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
SVG.js is a JavaScript library for working (manipulating and animating) with SVG without any complexity. The library is standalone, very lightweight in size (5kb gzipped) and has lots of features. There are built-in methods for creating shapes (rectangle, circle, polygon, etc.) or defining images.

10. Raw.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Raw is an open web app to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing D3.js library through a simple interface. Even though Raw is a web app, the data you upload will be processed only by the web browser. No server-side operations or storages are performed, no one will see, touch or copy your data.

11. Two.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Two.js is a two-dimensional drawing api geared towards modern web browsers. It is renderer agnostic enabling the same api to draw in multiple contexts: svg, canvas, and webgl. Two.js aims to make the creation and animation of flat shapes easier and more concise.

12. Jim Knopf

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Jim Knopf is a JavaScript library for creating SVG-powered knobs. The library doesn’t require any JS frameworks and it comes with various built-in knob types. Knobs created can be scaled completely (thanks to SVG) and their designs can be customized with CSS. Also, they can be controlled with mouse, mousewheel, keyboard or touchpad and options exist for setting the min/max values, starting points and the angles allowed.

13. D3.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.

14. Circles

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Circles is a lightweight JavaScript library that generatescircular graphs in SVG. It makes creating the charts very easy.

15. Fitter Happier Text

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
Fitter Happier Text is a javascript library for performant and fully fluid heading inspired by FitText. Fitter Happier Text replaces each node with an SVG text node and sets the viewBox attribute based on its width and height.

16. Bonsai.js

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
BonsaiJS is a lightweight graphics library with an intuitive graphics API and an SVG renderer. The main features include Architecturally separated runner and renderer, iFrame, Worker and Node running contexts, Shapes, Paths, Assets (Videos, Images, Fonts, SubMovies), Keyframe and regular animation (easing functions too), Shape/path morphing, and much more…

17. SVG Web

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
SVG Web is a JavaScript library which provides SVG support on many browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. Using the library plus native SVG support you can instantly target ~95% of the existing installed web base.

18. SVG Kit

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
SVGKit is a collection of JavaScript libraries for painless client-side SVG manipulation: SVGKit provides browser-independent access, SVGCanvas implements Canvas API, and SVGPlot plots/graphs data and functions.

19. JS Drawing

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
JSDrawing is a client-side JavaScript library that allows you to render vector graphics independently of browser and platform. The rendering API is based on SVG’s path commands and adding support for new renderers is very simple.

20. Pergola

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
PERGOLA is a JavaScript framework and library using SVG, designed to provide developers with a powerful tool for building web applications, User Interfaces, presentations and more.

21. PlotKit

最好的SVG操作JavaScript 开发库集合
PlotKit is a Chart and Graph Plotting Library for Javascript. It has support for HTML Canvas and also SVG via Adobe SVG Viewer and native browser support. It is fully documented and easy to use.