Puma 2.10.1 发布,高性能的 Ruby Web 服务器

jopen 9年前

Puma 2.10.1 发布了,改进记录包括:

=== 2.10.1 / 2014-11-14
* 1 bug fix:
* Load the app after daemonizing because the app might start threads.
This change means errors loading the app are now reported only in the redirected
If you're app has problems starting up, start it without daemon mode initially
to test.
=== 2.10.0 / 2014-11-23
* 3 minor features:
* Added on_worker_shutdown hook mechanism
* Allow binding to ipv6 addresses for ssl URIs
* Warn about any threads started during app preload
* 5 bug fixes:
* Clean out a threads local data before doing work
* Disable SSLv3. Fixes #591
* First change the directory to use the correct Gemfile.
* Only use config.ru binds if specified. Fixes #606
* Strongish cipher suite with FS support for some browsers
* 2 doc changes:
* Change umask examples to more permissive values
* fix typo in README.md

与其他Ruby web服务器不同的是,Puma是为速度与并发而生的。Puma是一个为Ruby web程序提供高速处理以及HTTP 1.1并发的服务器小型库。它被设计只用来运行Rack程序


Puma 2.10.1 发布,高性能的 Ruby Web 服务器

