Linux发行,IPFire 2.11 Core 65 发布

jopen 11年前

Linux发行,IPFire 2.11 Core 65 发布
Michael Tremer has announced the release of IPFire 2.11 Core 65, the latest update of the project's specialist firewall distribution: " Today, the last core update for IPFire 2.11 in this year has been released. It is the 65th of the IPFire 2 series and comes with some new features and bug fixes. Alexander Marx developed a graphical interfaces with help of which one can configure OpenV*N roadwarrior clients individually. It is possible to add routes, different DNS servers, static IP addresses to individual roadwarrior clients. One may also add networks from which IP addresses may be assigned to clients. Those subnets and static IP addresses can be used to create firewall rules and permit clients only to access certain parts of a network. More work in this area will be released in the future." More information on new features can be found in the release announcement. Download: