Untangle Gateway 10.0 发布,基于Debian的网关系统

jopen 11年前

Untangle Gateway是基于Debian的网关系统,它带有可插拔的模块以支持各种网络应用,这包括垃圾邮件阻挡、网页过滤、反病毒、反间谍软件、入侵阻止、虚拟专用网、SSL虚拟专用网、防火墙等等。
 Untangle Gateway 10.0 发布,基于Debian的网关系统 Untangle has announced the release of Untangle Gateway 10.0, a Debian-based network gateway with modules for network applications like spam blocking, web filtering, anti-virus, anti-spyware, intrusion prevention, bandwidth control, captive portal, V*N and firewall: " Untangle, Inc., a network software and appliance company, today announced the release of Untangle 10.0, the latest version of its award-winning multi-function firewall software. Untangle 10.0 is the most significant update to the popular platform in more than five years; 10.0 includes a new application, HTTPS Inspector, as well as a complete refactoring of its networking architecture. More and more websites and popular application require users to connect via HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), the protocol for secure communications on the Internet." Read the press release and the more technical changelog for further details. Download (MD5): untangle_1000_x64.iso (420MB), untangle_1000_x32.iso (414MB).