2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

jopen 10年前

1 – Laravel – Laravel is most used php framework in the world. Laravel offers powerful queue library, ORM, good routing , migration, light weight template engine and easy authentication.

2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

2 – Symfony 2 – Symfony is scalable, powerful MVC php framework .It is a set of reusable php component. Less repetition of code.

2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

3 – Nette – A productive and enjoyable PHP MVC framework. Write less code and do more.

2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

4- CodeIgniter – CodeIgniter is very popular php framework with full documentation and large user community.

2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

5 –Yii Framework – Yii is fast, secure and modern php framework. It is being used for high performance php web applications.

2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

6 – PHPPixie– Its lightweight MVC PHP framework used for fast, light weight applications. It provide solid foundation for development.

2015年使用排前10位的 PHP 框架

7 – Zend – Zend is most used object oriented PHP framework for high performing web applications. It comes with secure coding tools which allow you to execute web app development projects in a flawless manner.