Spring AMQP 1.6.0 M1 和 1.5.4 发布

jopen 8年前

Spring AMQP 1.6.0 M1 和 1.5.4 发布,其中 1.6 版本主要改进内容包括:

  • A new jar spring-rabbit-test containing a test harness to help with testing @RabbitListener methods; see the testing chapter.

  • Multiple @RabbitListener annotations on a method (when using Java 8) and the @RabbitListeners annotation (for pre-Java 8), each allowing the same method to be the listener method for multiple listener containers.

  • Full support for the Delayed Message Exchange RabbitMQ plugin.

  • An AsyncRabbitTemplate returning ListenableFuture<?> for request/reply messaging.

  • An option to publish ApplicationEvents when listener containers go idle.

完整的新特性列表请看 What’s new? 以及 JIRA Release Notes.

而 1.5.4.RELEASE 主要是小的 bug 修复,详情请看 minor bug fixes.

来自: http://www.oschina.net//news/70793/spring-amqp-160-milestone-1-and-154-available