argparse4j 0.2.1 发布

openkk 12年前
     <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958319107289616055" target="_blank">argparse4j </a>是 Python argparse 命令行解析器的 Java 语言移植版。    <br />    <ul>     <li>Supported positional arguments and optional arguments.</li>     <li>Variable number of arguments.</li>     <li>Generates well formatted line-wrapped help message.</li>     <li>Suggests optional arguments/sub-command if unrecognized arguments/sub-command were given, e.g. "unrecognized argument '--tpye': Did you mean: --type".</li>     <li>Takes into account East Asian Width ambiguous characters when line-wrap.</li>     <li>Sub-commands like, <tt>git add</tt>.</li>     <li>Customizable option prefix characters, e.g. <tt>'+f'</tt> and <tt>'/h'</tt>.</li>     <li>Print default values in help message.</li>     <li>Choice from given collection of values.</li>     <li>Type conversion from option strings.</li>     <li>Can directly assign values into user defined classes using annotation.</li>     <li>Group arguments so that it will be printed in help message in more readable way.</li>     <li>Read additional arguments from file.</li>    </ul>    <br /> argparse4j 0.2.1 发布,该版本修复了打印帮助信息中的一个空行问题。