系统监控工具 Monitorix 2.4.0 发布

jopen 13年前
     <p>Monitorix 2.4.0 版本引入三个新的图表用来监控 Squid 代理、NTP 服务器以及 Icecast 流媒体服务器。同时该版本还支持在 BSD 上监控 Nginx 网络流量和网络端口监控。<br /> <img title="monitorixlogo.png" border="0" alt="monitorixlogo.png" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/04edd61d449ff41bd8db5ea9ba10bd23.png" width="115" height="130" /><br /> Monitorix 工具,這是一套可以監控系統狀態的工具,可監控的項目非常的多,你也可以自行設定要監控的服務,預設就可以分析 CPU 與記憶體使用率、磁碟存取使用率(Disk I/O Usage)、網路使用率(Network traffic and usage)、各服務使用需求(network services demand)、使用者登入的狀況、....等等。</p>    <div class="text">     <h2>Features</h2>     <ul>      <li>The monitoring includes the following graphs:       <ul>        <li>System load average and usage (<code>system.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>System load.</li>          <li>Active processes.</li>          <li>Memory allocation.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Global kernel usage (<code>kern.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Including user, nice, system, idle, i/o wait, irq, software irq, steal and guest.</li>          <li>Context switches.</li>          <li>Fork and vfork rates.</li>          <li>VFS usage (dentries, inodes and files).</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Per-processor kernel usage (<code>proc.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Including user, nice, system, idle, i/o wait, irq, software irq, steal and guest.</li>          <li>Supports unlimited number of processors or cores.</li>          <li>Ability to define the number of graphs per row.</li>          <li>Ability to change the size of the graphs (there are already some predefined sizes).</li>          <li>Ability to disable partial or completely the legend data.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>HP ProLiant System Health (<code>hptemp.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 20 hardware temperature sensors supported.</li>          <li>Selectable ID sensors for each graph.</li>          <li>Using HP Command Line Utilities (hplog).</li>          <li>(version 8.6.0 of 10-Sep-2010 at the time of writting).</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>LM-Sensors and GPU temperatures (<code>lmsens.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 16 temperature sensors supported for cores.</li>          <li>Up to 2 temperature sensors supported for the motherboard.</li>          <li>Up to 4 temperature sensors supported for the CPU.</li>          <li>Up to 9 fan speeds supported.</li>          <li>Up to 12 voltages supported.</li>          <li>Up to 9 temperature sensors for GPU (nvidia).</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>NVIDIA temperatures and usage (<code>nvidia.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 9 cards supported.</li>          <li>Temperatures, GPU usage and memory usage (CUDA).</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Disk drive temperatures and health (<code>disk.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 8 disk drives supported.</li>          <li>Temperatures (using smartmontools and hddtemp).</li>          <li>Reallocated sectors count.</li>          <li>Current pending sectors.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Filesystem usage and I/O activity (<code>fs.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 9 mount points supported.</li>          <li>Root filesystem and swap device.</li>          <li>Ability to hide the real name of each mount point.</li>          <li>Disk I/O activity of the root filesystem device.</li>          <li>Disk sectors activity of the root filesystem device.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Network traffic and usage (<code>net.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 10 network devices supported.</li>          <li>Including packet traffic and traffic error graphs.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>System services demand (<code>serv.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Ability to toggle between (I)ncremental and (L)oad values.</li>          <li>Including (SSH, FTP, Telnet, IMAP, Samba, FAX, CUPS, POP3, SMTP, VirusMail and Spam).</li>          <li>Supports xinetd, Sendmail, Postfix, Dovecot, UW-IMAP, Qpopper, Hylafax and MailScanner logs.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Mail statistics (<code>mail.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Ability to toggle between mail queue or traffic usage.</li>          <li>MTA statistics (input and output connections, mail received, delivered, rejected, virus and spam)</li>          <li>Sendmail is the only MTA supported right now.</li>          <li>Greylisting (milter-greylist).</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Network port traffic (<code>port.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Unlimited number of network ports supported.</li>          <li>Ability to select the protocol type for each port (tcp, udp, etc.).</li>          <li>It warns if a network port is not listening.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Users using the system (<code>user.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Supports SSH/Login/Telnet, Samba and Netatalk.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Apache statistics (<code>apache.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Including workers (busy and idle), CPU usage and requests/sec.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Nginx statistics (<code>nginx.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Including connections (reading, writing, waiting), requests/sec and network traffic.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>MySQL statistics (<code>mysql.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Query types per second:           <ul>            <li>Select.</li>            <li>Commit.</li>            <li>Delete.</li>            <li>Insert.</li>            <li>Insert_Select.</li>            <li>Update.</li>            <li>Replace.</li>            <li>Replace_Select</li>            <li>Rollback. </li>           </ul> </li>          <li>Percentage values of:           <ul>            <li>Thread cache hit rate.</li>            <li>Query cache usage.</li>            <li>Connections usage.</li>            <li>Key buffer usage.</li>            <li>InnoDB buffer pool usage.</li>           </ul> </li>          <li>Number of opened tables and table locks waited per second.</li>          <li>Number of queries and slow queries per second.</li>          <li>Number of connections, abort clients and abort connects per second.</li>          <li>Network traffic.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Squid Proxy Web Cache statistics (<code>squid.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Up to 19 result and status codes supported.</li>          <li>Overall requests (client, server, etc.).</li>          <li>Memory and disk storage usage.</li>          <li>IP cache use with requests, hits and misses.</li>          <li>Network protocols usage (HTTP, FTP, Gopher and WAIS).</li>          <li>Client and server network traffic.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>NFS server statistics (<code>nfss.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>NFS v2, v3 and v4 supported.</li>          <li>Up to 30 defined requests supported.</li>          <li>Overall I/O bytes (read and written).</li>          <li>Network layer usage (TCP, UDP and TCPConn).</li>          <li>RPC usage.</li>          <li>Thread utilization.</li>          <li>Read cache usage.</li>          <li>File handle cache usage.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>NFS client statistics (<code>nfsc.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>NFS v2, v3 and v4 supported.</li>          <li>Up to 32 defined requests supported.</li>          <li>RPC usage.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>NTP statistics (<code>ntp.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Unlimited number of NTP servers supported.</li>          <li>NTP timing.</li>          <li>Stratum level.</li>          <li>Reference Identifier and Kiss-o'-Death Codes.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Icecast Streaming Media Server statistics (<code>icecast.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>Unlimited number of Icecast servers supported.</li>          <li>Current listeners.</li>          <li>Bitrate.</li>         </ul> </li>        <li>Devices interrupt activity (<code>int.rrd</code>)         <ul>          <li>APIC support with up to 256 different interrupts.</li>         </ul> </li>       </ul> </li>      <li>Support monitoring of remote servers (Multihost).       <ul>        <li>Unlimited number of remote servers.</li>        <li>Ability to define the number of graphs per row.</li>        <li>Ability to hide the real URL of each remote server.</li>       </ul> </li>      <li>Support monitoring of (as gateway) Internet traffic of LAN devices.       <ul>        <li>Unlimited number of LAN devices (PC, printers, networks, etc.).</li>        <li>Ability to define the number of graphs per row.</li>        <li>Ability to enable traffic monthly reports.</li>        <li>Ability to send individual traffic monthly reports.</li>       </ul> </li>      <li>Alert capabilities supported.       <ul>        <li>CPU load average alert.</li>        <li>Root filesystem usage alert.</li>        <li>Activated when it reaches or exceeds a threshold value for an specified amount of time.</li>       </ul> </li>      <li>Silent mode to be able to retrieve the graphs from scripts.</li>      <li>Traffic statistics are stored in fixed-size databases (<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958201704388449338">RRDtool</a>).</li>      <li>Ability to view statistics per day, week, month or year.</li>      <li>Ability to view statistics in graphs or in plain text tables.</li>      <li>Ability to zoom in any graph to see it in more detail.</li>      <li>Web interface offers minimal learning, ubiquitous access.</li>      <li>Configuration with only one text-plain file.</li>      <li>Perl language based (lightweight tool).</li>      <li>Requires a CGI capable web server.</li>      <li>Supported systems: GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD.</li>     </ul>    </div>    <p></p>    <p>下图是监控界面截图:</p>    <p><img alt="系统监控工具 Monitorix 2.4.0 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/21b153d549a4c842f81fbdb805b4de47.png" width="584" height="309" /><br /> <br /> 项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958189178173278942" target="_blank">http://www.monitorix.org/</a></p>