MV3D 0.80 发布,虚拟世界和多玩家游戏框架

jopen 11年前

MV3D 是一个采用Python开发的虚拟世界和多玩家游戏框架。它在设计时要考虑可伸缩性,能够尽可能多的服务器之间分发世界时根据需要动态的负载平衡。仿真框架没有特别偏向任何一个流派的在线游戏或虚拟世界,并可以很容易地被用来作为一个幻想空间的游戏设置。对象一个MV3D服务器可以模拟现实交互使用ODE物理引擎。单台服务器能够容纳成千上万的模拟对象。该客户端与OGRE3D的Panda3D渲染。
MV3D 0.80 发布,虚拟世界和多玩家游戏框架

发布说明: The highlights of this version are a revamped toolchain which should enable a better workflow for building new content. Some of the improvements include tabbed tools instead of docked windows, a property grid for editing, and support for third-party asset types. Also in this version is the first example gameplay system, the stats system. Finally, many improvements to the low level server code have been made, including initial support for asynchronous database connections and a new JSON-based protocol which can be used to support clients written in languages other than Python