Korora 20 发布,基于Gentoo Linux的发行

jopen 10年前

Korora的诞生是为了让Linux对新手而言更易于使用的同时对专业用户依然有用。Korora的主旨是为通用计算提供一份完整的、易于使用的系统。起初在2005年它是基于Gentoo Linux的,但在2010年Korora重新以Fedora衍化的形式问世,并带有额外的微调及部件,以让系统能开箱即用。 Korora 20 发布,基于Gentoo Linux的发行
Ian Firns has announced the release of Korora 20, a set of Fedora-based desktop Linux distributions with a choice of Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, MATE and Xfce desktops:

" The Korora project is pleased to announce the stable release of version 20 (code name 'Peach') which is now available for download. This release brings with it a significant amount of work by the team and community to bring not two but five desktops that have been shaped for a genuine Korora experience. The additions of Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce represent the growth of our community and their contributions. A quick summary of the features: GNOME 3.10 represents another iteration to the new desktop which is also targeting native Wayland support; KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.11 brings a host of bug fixes, speed ups and improvements...."

Read the full release announcement for further information. https://kororaproject.org/download ( MD5): korora-20-x86_64-cinnamon-live.iso (1,671MB),
korora-20-x86_64-gnome-live.iso (1,807),
korora-20-x86_64-kde-live.iso (2,375),
korora-20-x86_64-mate-live.iso (1,700),
korora-20-x86_64-xfce-live.iso (1,612).
Korora 20 发布,基于Gentoo Linux的发行