Mac下著名文本编辑器 TextMate re-release v2.0-beta.12.5 发布

jopen 8年前
   <p style="text-align:center"><img alt="" src="" /></p>    <p>TextMate是Mac下的著名的文本编辑器软件,与BBedit一起并称苹果机上的emacs和vim。尤其适合程序员使用,可以定制许多贴心使用的功能。TextMate的Bundles是TextMate的一个亮点,可以有效的提高开发速度。 包括DHH在内的Rails核心开发者一直都使用TextMate进行开发,原因就是他们主要都在使用Mac OS系统,并且TextMate具备出色的界面、强大的宏定义、以及可下载和编辑的宏定义包(bundles),这些都帮助开发者将编码的效率提升到最高。</p>    <h2>更新日志</h2>    <ul>     <li>When duplicating files in the file browser, we now open the new file if the duplicated file was the selected tab.</li>     <li>Introduce <code>exit_insert_snippet_no_indent</code> to change a command’s output to a snippet but without adding indent.</li>     <li>It is now possible to use protocol-relative URLs (like <code>//</code>) in HTML output. By default we redirect these to <code>https</code>(even though they are technically loaded via the <code>file:</code> protocol). The default protocol can be changed via the<code>defaultURLProtocol</code> defaults key.</li>     <li>When setting <code>fontStyle</code> in a theme it is now possible to use <code>plain</code> with the other styles to reset all but the listed styles. E.g. <code>plain bold</code> to disable potential italic and underline.</li>     <li>A theme can now set <code>strikethrough</code> in <code>fontStyle</code> to get strikethrough text.</li>     <li>The <code>fontName</code> and <code>fontSize</code> settings in <code>.tm_properties</code> can now be set in a file type section to use different fonts for different file types or locations.</li>     <li> <p>The search results font can be changed using the <code>searchResultsFontName</code> and <code>searchResultsFontSize</code> keys, e.g.:</p> <pre>  <code>defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview searchResultsFontName Menlo  defaults write com.macromates.TextMate.preview searchResultsFontSize -float 12  </code></pre> </li>    </ul>    <h2>下载</h2>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993400824125786" rel="nofollow"><strong>TextMate_2.0-beta.12.5.tbz</strong></a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993400934591500" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958993401036094657" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li>    </ul>    <p>本站原创,转载时保留以下信息:<br /> 本文转自:深度开源(<br /> 原文地址:<a href=""></a></p>