TextMate 2.0 alpha 发布,Mac文本编辑器

openkk 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958195092208043403" target="_blank">TextMate</a>是Mac下的著名的文本编辑器软件,与BBedit一起并称苹果机上的emacs和vim。尤其适合程序员使用,可以定制许多贴心使用的功能。</p>    <p>TextMate的Bundles是TextMate的一个亮点,可以有效的提高开发速度。</p>    <p>TextMate 不是一个开源软件。</p>    <p><span id="if-x" class="artText">包括DHH在内的</span><span id="if-x0" class="artText">Rails核心开发者</span>一直都使用TextMate进行开发,原因就是他们主要都在使用Mac OS系统,并且TextMate具备出色的界面、强大的宏定义、以及可下载和编辑的宏定义包(bundles),这些都帮助开发者将编码的效率提升到最高。对于TextMate带给开发者的吸引力,<span id="l6fq1" class="span_item_text">Livid</span>这样评价道:</p>    <p>发现我对于TextMate的严重依赖除了是因为输入方面的那些切切实实的便利及那个好用的Project Browser之外,就是TextMate的那些color theme实在是太赞了,尤其是那个叫做Blackboard的,一个多月来一直都是在这样的环境下工作,真是种享受。</p>    <p><img alt="TextMate 2.0 alpha 发布,Mac文本编辑器" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/8c0db811f277e4bc0aa0768edd256dce.png" width="330" height="226" /></p>    <p>TextMate 2.0 alpha 主要改进:</p>    <blockquote>     <ul>      <li>Split views: Yes, I actually had this on the alpha milestone, I’m not overly excited about this feature myself, but I know it’s a very common request, so eventually it should find its way into the application.</li>      <li>Full screen mode: This is mainly because we are hesitant to go Lion-only so we are holding back with “lionizing” TextMate till we feel confident we can fully drop backwards compatibility.</li>      <li>Performance: Overall performance is fine, but there are still edge-cases that we haven’t looked into, for example the long lines issue which also exists in 1.x or opening files that exhaust TextMate’s memory space.</li>      <li>Bundle editor: While a proof-of-concept bundle editor is included, it is provisional, has some flaws, and not how we envision the final bundle editor to be.</li>      <li>Settings: Not everything in the Preferences window has an effect at the moment and several menu settings are not sticky, some even revert when switching tabs. Those can be set via <code>.tm_properties</code>— more about this in an upcoming post.</li>     </ul>    </blockquote>    <p>下载地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958318480104314894">TextMate 2.0 alpha (r8930)</a>.</p>