
jopen 8年前

Open source development offers an exceptional world for newcomers and professionals who just need a quick solution. Thanks to the super engaged jQuery developer community, who is always creating new and amazing stuff, there are tons of great jQuery plugins and libraries out there that cover all sorts of functionalities.

For this roundup, we have compiled a list of Fresh JavaScript Libraries for December 2015. In this roundup we have covered feature enriched and interactive JavaScript Libraries that offer you several functions and can serve number of purposes for you to build effective and useful web applications. Enjoy !!

1. Canvid.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
Canvid is a tiny dependency free library for playback of relatively short videos on canvas elements.

2. Microm

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
Microm is a beautiful library to convert browser microphone to mp3 in Javascript. Microm goal it’s to make trivial to play and convert audio in the browser.

3. Hybicon.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
hybicon.js is a javaScript library for synergistic SVG icons. It works with HTML5 data attributes. There is a primary and a secondary icon and they can be animated with hover and click.

4. Dream.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
DreamJS is a lightweight javascript library to generate json data. This library can output random data from a Json Schema using standard types like String, Number, Date, Boolean, Array, or with the 60+ built-in custom types like Name, Age, Address, Word, Sentence, paragraph, gender, (RGB) color etc.

5. Split.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz

Split.js is a lightweight, unopinionated utility for creating adjustable split views or panes with javascript. Views can be split horizontally or vertically, with draggable gutters inserted between every two elements.

6. Lebella.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
If you try to place labels for points on a timeline (or any 1D space), one common problem is the labels often overlap. Labella.js will help you to fix this.

7. Jump.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
jump.js is a small, modern, dependency-free smooth scrolling library. Jump was developed with a modern JavaScript workflow in mind. To use it, it’s recommended you have a build system in place that can transpile ES6, and bundle modules.

8. Lineman.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
Lineman.js puts a wrapper around a number of client-side productivity tools, including Express, Grunt, and Testem, to allow developers to focus more on development and less on workflow.

9. Booking.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
Booking.js is an easy-to-use embedabble calendar booking widget. It’s easy to customize, works with Google Calendar, and it can be integrated seamlessly into your branding

10. RobotJS

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
RobotJS provides Node.js desktop automation. Use it to control the mouse, keyboard, and read the screen.

11. ScrollReveal.js

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
ScrollReveal.js is a library to easily reveal elements as they enter the viewport. It’s very small in size, as its weight is roughly 3Kb if minified and gzipped. It has no dependencies, so you don’t need to add other libraries to use it like jQuery. In addition to the nice effects it supports, what I really like about this library is that you can use natural language to define the animation you want to run. ScrollReveal supports 3d rotation out of the box, but you may want to emphasize the effect by specifying a perspective property on your container.

12. Colz

Useful JavaScript Libraries for December 2015 | Code Geekz
Colz is a Javascript library that lets you convert colors between RGB / Hex / HSL / HSV / HSB color spaces. It provides several toString helpers to ease its use in CSS / HTML5 Canvas projects. Also provides some helpers to create “color schemes” or “color palettes”.