Tails 0.21 发布,为用户提供完整的因特网匿名功能

jopen 10年前

The Amnesic Incognito Live System (Tails)是基于Debian的自启动光盘或USB发行,其目标是为用户提供完整的因特网匿名功能。该发行装备了一些因特网应用程序,包括网页浏览器、IRC客户端、邮件mail客户端、即时消息信使,这都以安全为理念进行了预配置,并对网络流量进行了匿名性处理。为达到此目标,Incognito使用了Tor网络,以使得网络流量很难被追踪。
Tails 0.21 发布
Tails 0.21, a Debian-based distribution designed for anonymous Internet browsing via the integrated Tor technology, is out and ready for download: " Tails, The Amnesic Incognito Live System, version 0.21, is out. All users must upgrade as soon as possible: this release fixes numerous security issues. Notable user-visible changes include: don't grant access to the Tor control port for the desktop user; don't allow the desktop user to directly change persistence settings; install Iceweasel 17.0.10esr with Torbrowser patches; patch Torbutton to make window resizing closer to what the design says; add a persistence preset for printing settings; support running Tails off more types of SD cards; add a KeePassX launcher to the top panel; improve the bug reporting workflow; prefer stronger ciphers when encrypting data with GnuPG; exclude the version string in GnuPG's ASCII armored output....." See the release announcement and changelog a full list of changes and known issues. Download: tails-i386-0.21.iso (891MB, torrent).
Tails 0.21 发布