在线 HTML 编辑器,TinyMCE 3.5.7 发布

jopen 12年前

TinyMCE是一个轻量级的基于浏览器的所见即所得编辑器,支持目前流行的各种浏览器,由JavaScript写成。功能配置灵活简单(两行代码 就可以将编辑器嵌入网页中),支持AJAX。另一特点是加载速度非常快,如果你的服务器采用的脚本语言是 PHP,那还可以进一步优化。最重要的是,TinyMCE是一个根据LGPL license发布的自由软件,你可以把它用于商业应用。

TinyMCE 3.5.7 是一个维护版本,主要是 bug 修复,

Version 3.5.7

Fixed bug in hyperlink dialog for IE9 where links with no target attr set had target value of --
Changing toolbars to have a toolbar role for FF keyboard navigation works correctly.
Fixed bug where applying formatting to an empty block element would produce redundant spans.
Fixed bug where caret formatting on IE wouldn't properly apply if you pressed enter/return.
Fixed bug where loading TinyMCE using an async script wouldn't properly initialize editors.
Fixed bug where some white space would be removed after inline elements before block elements.
Fixed bug where it wouldn't properly parse attributes with a single backslash as it's contents.
Fixed bug where noscript elements would loose it's contents on older IE versions.
Fixed bug where backspace inside empty blockquote wouldn't delete it properly.
Fixed bug where custom elements with . in their names wouldn't work properly.
Fixed bug where the custom_elements option didn't properly setup the block elements schema structure.
Fixed bug where the custom_elements option didn't auto populate the extended_valid_elements.
Fixed bug where the whole TD element would get blcok formatted when there where BR elements in it.
Fixed bug where IE 9 might crash if the editor was hidden and specific styles where applied to surrounding contents.
Fixed bug where shift+enter inside a table cell on Gecko would produce an zero width non breaking space between tr:s.
Fixed bug where the advlink dialog wouldn't properly populate the anchors dropdown if the HTML5 schema was used.
Fixed issue with missing autofocus attribute on input element when using the HTML5 schema.
Fixed issue where enter inside a block contained within an LI element wouldn't produce a new LI.

当前 TinyMCE 正在开发 4.0 版本和相关项目,该版本的改动的巨大的,目前还没有一个发行的时间计划。