2014年最流行编程语言Top 10:JavaScript 独占鳌头

jopen 9年前

作者采集StackOverflow 2014年所发帖子,在分析和处理2591986事件中9307个独立标签得到结果。

With the end of 2014 approaching I wondering what were the most popular programming languages of 2014 I decided to see if I can, somehow, get a satisfactory answer for my question.

Needless to say the chart below is nowhere near 100% accurate as there are a lot of variations for each tag. Moreover, it contains languages that might not be considered as programming languages, such as HTML, JavaScript etc and I have not added their frameworks in their count (example: JavaScript and JQuery). As you can imagine the data can be interpreted differently depending on how you want to parse the row data.

For my findings I used Stack Overflow’s database to query the posts that were created in 2014, then split and sorted the tags based on how many times they appeared in the posts. After parsing and processing 9307 unique tags with a total of 2591986 occurrences, these are the results.



Raw Data

Tag Name Tag Count
JavaScript 150927
PHP 114808
Java 106522
HTML 78740
C# 78396
Python 59513
C++ 34620
Objective-C 23641
R 17549
C 17151