Windows 7版的IE10将在11月中旬发布

jopen 11年前

随着Windows8即将全面上市,微软将会在在11月中旬为Windows 7提供了一个IE10的预览版。收集开发人员和客户的反馈意见之后发布最终版本。

Windows 7上的IE10与Windows 8上的IE10具有基于相同标准的平台。IE10是微软为Windows8开发的一个全新的浏览器,具有更高的性能和开发者能力。这个版本的IE10带来了网站性能的提高和Web开发人员一直在寻求支持Windows 7的额外标准。预览版可用时将会提供一个更新。


As we approach general availability of Windows 8, we want to provide an update on IE10 for Windows 7. We will release a preview of IE10 on Windows 7 in mid-November, with final availability to follow as we collect developer and customer feedback.

IE10 on Windows 7 has the same standards based platform for developers to target as IE10 on Windows 8. We built an entirely new browser with Windows 8, with more performance and developer capabilities. IE10 brings improved real-world site performance and additional standards support to Windows 7 that Web developers have been asking for. We look forward to getting your feedback on IE10 on Windows 7, and will provide another update when the preview is available.