jsoup 1.8.1 发布,极大的性能提升!

jopen 9年前

jsoup 1.8.1 发布啦!

jsoup 1.8.1 显著提升了文本和树序列化的性能;可以选择 HTML 或者 XML 输出;还有大量的功能改进和 bug 修复。此版本现已提供下载



  • 可以选择 HTML 或者 XML 输出,默认是 HTML

  • Element.text() 性能改进

  • Element.html() 性能改进

  • 缩短文件读的时间,同时也改进了文件解析器,提升大概 10% 的速度

  • 添加 Element.cssSelector()

  • Tightened the scope of what characters are escaped in attributes and textnodes, to align with the spec.

  • 如果禁用了 pretty-print,将不会去除 Element.html() 以外的空格

  • HTML Cleaner 中允许基础白名单中带有 span 标签,relaxed whitelist 中带有 spandiv 标签

  • 放松 doctype 验证,可以不指定名称

  • CSS Selectors 支持 quoted 属性值

Bug 修复

  • Fixed an issue where <svg><img/></svg> was parsed as <svg><image/></svg>

  • Fixed an issue where a UTF-8 BOM character was not detected if the HTTP response did not specify a charset, and the HTML body did, leading to the head contents incorrectly being parsed into the body. Changed the behavior so that when the UTF-8 BOM is detected, it will take precedence for determining the charset to decode with.

  • Fixed an issue in parsing a base URI when loading a URL containing a http-equiv element.

  • Fixed an issue for Java 1.5 / Android 2.2 compatibility, and verify it doesn't regress.

  • Fixed an issue that would throw an NPE when trying to set invalid HTML into a title element.

  • Fixed support for nth-of-type selectors with unknown tags.

  • Added support for application/*+xml mimetypes.

  • Fixed support for allowing script tags in cleaner whitelists.


jsoup 是一款 Java 的HTML 解析器,可直接解析某个URL地址、HTML文本内容。它提供了一套非常省力的API,可通过DOM,CSS以及类似于JQuery的操作方法来取出和操作数据。


  1. 从一个URL,文件或字符串中解析HTML;

  2. 使用DOM或CSS选择器来查找、取出数据;

  3. 可操作HTML元素、属性、文本;

