移动数据库引擎Realm Java v1.1.0 发布

jopen 8年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" /></p>    <p>Realm 是一个跨平台的移动数据库引擎,可运行于手机、平板和可穿戴设备之上。于 2014 年 7 月发布,准确来说,它是专门为移动应用所设计的数据持久化解决方案之一。 Realm 可以轻松地移植到您的项目当中,并且绝大部分常用的功能(比如说插入、查询等等)都可以用一行简单的代码轻松完成! Realm 并不是对 Core Data 的简单封装,相反地, Realm 并不是基于 Core Data ,也不是基于 SQLite 所构建的。它拥有自己的数据库存储引擎,可以高效且快速地完成数据库的构建操作。</p>    <h2>更新日志</h2>    <h3>Bug修复</h3>    <ul>     <li>A number of bug fixes in the storage engine related to memory management in rare cases when a Realm has been compacted.</li>     <li>Disabled the optional API transformer since it has problems with DexGuard (#3022).</li>     <li><code>OnSuccess.OnSuccess()</code> might not be called with the correct Realm version for async transaction (#1893).</li>     <li>Fixed a bug in <code>copyToRealm()</code> causing a cyclic dependency objects being duplicated.</li>     <li>Fixed a build failure when model class has a conflicting name such as <code>Map</code>, <code>List</code>, <code>String</code>, ... (#3077).</li>    </ul>    <h3>功能增强</h3>    <ul>     <li>Added <code>insert(RealmModel obj)</code>, <code>insertOrUpdate(RealmModel obj)</code>, <code>insert(Collection<RealmModel> collection)</code> and<code>insertOrUpdate(Collection<RealmModel> collection)</code> to perform batch inserts (#1684).</li>     <li>Enhanced <code>Table.toString()</code> to show a PrimaryKey field details (#2903).</li>     <li>Enabled ReLinker when loading a Realm from a custom path by adding a <code>RealmConfiguration.Builder(Context, File)</code>constructor (#2900).</li>     <li>Changed <code>targetSdkVersion</code> of <code>realm-library</code> to 24.</li>     <li>Logs warning if <code>DynamicRealm</code> is not closed when GC happens as it does for <code>Realm</code>.</li>    </ul>    <h3>Deprecated</h3>    <ul>     <li><code>RealmConfiguration.Builder(File)</code>. Use <code>RealmConfiguration.Builder(Context, File)</code> instead.</li>    </ul>    <h3>Internal</h3>    <ul>     <li>Updated Realm Core to 1.2.0.</li>    </ul>    <h2>下载</h2>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958991858149861747" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958991858246320608" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li>    </ul>    <h2> </h2>