Bokeh v0.12.4 发布,一个 Python 交互式可视化库

jopen 7年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><strong><img alt="" src="" /></strong></p>    <p> </p>    <p>Bokeh (Bokeh.js) 是一个 Python 交互式可视化库,支持现代化 Web 浏览器,提供非常完美的展示功能。Bokeh 的目标是使用 D3.js 样式提供优雅,简洁新颖的图形化风格,同时提供大型数据集的高性能交互功能。Boken 可以快速的创建交互式的绘图,仪表盘和数据应用。</p>    <p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img alt="" src="" /></a></p>    <p> </p>    <h2>更新日志</h2>    <ul>     <li>525 Columndatasource.prototype.get_length gives arbitrary results</li>     <li>2064 Tooltip not working when inverting an axis by passing a `y_range` argument to the figure</li>     <li>2162 Plotting none/nan values fails with log scale axis</li>     <li>2365 [component: examples] Compat/seaborn/ is broken</li>     <li>2789 [component: docs] [starter] Range padding possibly discards the log axis properties</li>     <li>3315 [API: charts] Overlapping bins in bokeh charts histogram example</li>     <li>3834 Plot is empty when log scale is used</li>     <li>3931 [component: docs] Update datetimetickformatter docstring with actual default formats from the js side</li>     <li>4602 [API: charts] No x-axis labels on bar graphs with a single bar</li>     <li>4680 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Datatable header height not large enough to fit header text - in jupyter notebook</li>     <li>4861 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool showing canvas coordinates not data coordinates </li>     <li>5305 [component: docs] [component: examples] [component: server] Embed/animated fails with "did not find model"</li>     <li>#5306 [component: examples] [py2] Embed/embed_multiple fails with unicode error on py2</li>     <li>5315 [component: examples] [component: server] [regression] Extension implementation load path problems in apps</li>     <li>5318 Make figure accept title instance</li>     <li>5322 [component: bokehjs] Long "bokeh error"s don't wrap</li>     <li>5323 [component: bokehjs] Colormapper special colors are not respected for images</li>     <li>5324 Colormapper high, low and nan_color do not accept rgb(a) tuples</li>     <li>5330 Syntax error in util/</li>     <li>5333 [component: bokehjs] Document._destructively_move() (in bokehjs) references undefined variable</li>     <li>5337 [component: bokehjs] Charts and plots not rendering with user defined title text_font_size in em</li>     <li>5346 Embedding a server plot will override the window title</li>     <li>5370 [component: bokehjs] Linearinterpolator does not work correctly</li>     <li>5377 [component: docs] Correct comment in dimension example plot</li>     <li>5382 [component: bokehjs] Help tool icon doesn't have transparent background</li>     <li>5389 Creating a line plot with `x_axis_type='log'` fails when `x_max < 1`</li>     <li>5392 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Tools cause hard crash on safari after import/export pr </li>     <li>5398 Datatable css conflict with bootstrap css</li>     <li>5404 Functickformatter.from_py_func() example valueerror</li>     <li>5413 [component: bokehjs] Can't use categorical axis with figure using rects</li>     <li>5453 [py2] Tabe completion on bokeh.palettes doesn't work in python 2</li>     <li>5467 [component: docs] Docstring not reflecting correct function signature</li>     <li>5479 [layout] Merged toolbar is not created properly when row/column layouts added to gridplot </li>     <li>5490 Some named palettes raise valueerror</li>     <li>5522 [component: docs] Bokeh doc website not rendered correctly in ie 11 on win 7</li>     <li>5524 [component: server] [regression] --num-procs broken</li>     <li>5526 [component: bokehjs] Some versions of ie 11 do not support unit8clampedarray</li>     <li>5546 [component: bokehjs] Js column length check logic is backward</li>     <li>5549 [component: bokehjs] Correctly handle data values <= 0 on a log scale</li>     <li>5555 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Bokehjs' examples are broken after import/export pr</li>     <li>5558 [notebook] [py2] [starter] Unicode `__javascript__` external resources breaks output notebook in python 2</li>     <li>5570 [component: bokehjs] Output_notebook raises javascript error if hide_banner=true</li>     <li>5576 [component: bokehjs] Initial range calculation for log plots can cause empty plots</li>     <li>5585 [component: server] Responsive plots don't work with server because of plotdiv</li>     <li>5590 [component: server] Python 2 incompatibility issue with execfile and bokeh server</li>     <li>5591 [notebook] [regression] Custom models don't work in the notebook due to missing __file__</li>     <li>5631 [component: build] [regression] Pin build job to py3.4</li>     <li>5633 [component: build] [regression] Update .travis.yml</li>     <li>5636 Patches incorrectly draws boundaries from geojsondatasource in latest development version on a bokeh server</li>     <li>5645 Font-awesome custom example fails to run</li>     <li>5655 [component: bokehjs] [regression] 0.12.3 resize tool uses plot_width for initializing plot_height</li>     <li>5661 [component: bokehjs] Tool labels appears empty on hover</li>    </ul>    <h2>下载</h2>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958997855527249167" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958997855618389319" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li>    </ul>    <p>本站原创,转载时保留以下信息:<br /> 本文转自:深度开源(<br /> 原文地址:<a href=""></a></p>