Bokeh v0.12.1rc2 发布,一个 Python 交互式可视化库

jopen 8年前
   <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" /></p>    <p>Bokeh (Bokeh.js) 是一个 Python 交互式可视化库,支持现代化 Web 浏览器,提供非常完美的展示功能。Bokeh 的目标是使用 D3.js 样式提供优雅,简洁新颖的图形化风格,同时提供大型数据集的高性能交互功能。Boken 可以快速的创建交互式的绘图,仪表盘和数据应用。</p>    <p style="text-align: center;"><img alt="" src="" /></p>    <h2>更新日志</h2>    <h3>bug修复</h3>    <ul>     <li>#1277 Syncing two input widgets without infinite callback loop</li>     <li>#1618 Toolbar buttons do not work on updating server plots</li>     <li>#1716 Help tool: hard/impossible to click "learn more" link</li>     <li>#2289 Glyph/ dropdown red button looking bad (cut) in chrome</li>     <li>#2291 [component: bokehjs] Gyphs/ column size</li>     <li>#2488 Building the conda recipe does not work on windows</li>     <li>#3041 [component: examples] [component: tests] Scikit-learn is needed by examples/plotting/file/</li>     <li>#3188 [component: build] Installing dev build through pip, receiving standard release instead</li>     <li>#3509 Image glyph does not work with server</li>     <li>#3639 Bokeh occasionally not working with jupyter notebook</li>     <li>#3771 Bokehjs - get_model_by_name() - multiple name error</li>     <li>#4329 [component: tests] Test defaults does not report correct mismatched defaults</li>     <li>#4525 Shout louder on bokehjs build fails</li>     <li>#4560 Resize tool mostly broken</li>     <li>#4679 [component: bokehjs] [webgl] Draw legend after webgl glyphs</li>     <li>#4692 [component: docs] Docs version dropdown has extra 0.11.1</li>     <li>#4693 [regression] Incorrect rendering of embedded bokeh server app in 0.12</li>     <li>#4716 [API: models] Typo in `behavior` attr default</li>     <li>#4727 [component: docs] First example in quickstart missing output_file</li>     <li>#4730 [component: tests] [regression] Restore real flake8 test failure</li>     <li>#4731 [component: docs] Fix documented name for resizetool</li>     <li>#4753 [component: examples] Typo in categorical example plot title</li>     <li>#4759 Reset button no longer appears on gridplots</li>     <li>#4760 [component: bokehjs] Rbush 2.0.1 bug on image render</li>     <li>#4766 [component: docs] Bokeh.client example in user guide has a bug</li>     <li>#4781 Remove unused import</li>     <li>#4783 [component: server] Using functools.partial in combination with add_next_tick_callback() throws exception in py2</li>     <li>#4788 [component: docs] Stocks example github link is broken in gallery.rst</li>     <li>#4791 [component: docs] Docstring of ``add_tools`` not correct</li>     <li>#4793 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Ellipse glyph missing rbush bounds format update</li>     <li>#4795 [component: bokehjs] [webgl] Webgl line thickness scales inappropriately with browser zoom level</li>     <li>#4800 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Multiselect not rendering correctly if `options` is `list(dict)` </li>     <li>#4806 [component: docs] Update add_glyph docstring </li>     <li>#4814 Add npm install to win build; add nodejs to win build deps</li>     <li>#4816 [component: docs] Docs fail to build on windows</li>     <li>#4834 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Hoover example from tutorials doesn't work</li>     <li>#4839 Error when using hovertool and taptool with taptool in "inspect" behavior</li>     <li>#4842 [component: docs] Fixes typo: "go" -> "of"</li>     <li>#4853 [layout] Hovertool does not show tooltip of last glyph</li>     <li>#4862 Wheel zoom not working on chrome on touchscreen laptops, when using scroll wheel</li>     <li>#4878 [component: bokehjs] Inline from bokeh.resources has broken js?</li>     <li>#4884 Bokehjs fails to load for inline in notebook due to duplicated int32array</li>    </ul>    <h3>新特性</h3>    <ul>     <li>#673 Trim bokehjs size and reduce code duplication</li>     <li>#1191 [starter] Deprecate `notebook=true` </li>     <li>#1944 Bokehjs should validate values on `@set(value)`</li>     <li>#2610 [component: examples] Improve les mis example</li>     <li>#3347 Larger color ranges (particularly gray scale)</li>     <li>#3423 [API: models] [component: bokehjs] [component: examples] Add vbar and hbar glyphs</li>     <li>#4758 Bokeh.palettes missing qualitative brewer color maps</li>     <li>#4775 [feature] add cartodb positron tile provider</li>     <li>#4808 [component: bokehjs] [component: server] Add .patch method for efficient partial data source updates</li>     <li>#4866 Add visible property to glyph renderer</li>    </ul>    <h3>tasks</h3>    <ul>     <li>#2193 [component: server] Bokeh server deployment: generic linux server</li>     <li>#2683 [component: bokehjs] [webgl] Our webgl support does not work very well on safari</li>     <li>#2933 [component: bokehjs] Use only `div` and `canvas` in the generated html</li>     <li>#3006 [component: tests] Conda install test dependencies for osx</li>     <li>#3008 [starter] Warn about version mismatches</li>     <li>#3078 [component: docs] Move annotations section of user guide into it's own page</li>     <li>#3383 [API: charts] Remove io logic from charts</li>     <li>#3511 [component: tests] [starter] Get basic tests working on windows</li>     <li>#3528 [component: bokehjs] [component: build] [component: tests] [starter] Add a test to make sure that bokeh*.js don't increase significantly in size</li>     <li>#4533 Run test_code_quality with flake8 group</li>     <li>#4691 [component: bokehjs] Update rbush version</li>     <li>#4701 Improve pypy compatibility</li>     <li>#4743 [component: docs] Bokeh docs heatmap example broken</li>     <li>#4755 Feature request: make tool coalescence optional in gridplot</li>     <li>#4779 [component: bokehjs] Jqui 1.12 breaks everything, pin to old version</li>     <li>#4809 [component: docs] Split interaction.rst into three sections</li>     <li>#4831 Revert "moved the wheel speed zoom from internal to defined."</li>     <li>#4845 [component: docs] Remove 0.8 and 0.9 links in docs dropdown</li>     <li>#4846 [component: docs] Only update cds .data "all at once" in docs</li>     <li>#4849 [component: docs] [starter] Docs should have descriptive page titles</li>     <li>#4889 [component: build] Simplify changelog</li>     <li>#4895 [component: docs] Made a couple copy edits to user guide pages</li>     <li>#4896 [component: docs] 0.12.1 release notes</li>    </ul>    <h2>下载</h2>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958992766390294118" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (zip)</a></li>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958992766476849904" rel="nofollow"><strong>Source code</strong> (tar.gz)</a></li>    </ul>    <h2> </h2>