Oracle Linux 7.1 发布
jopen 9年前
Oracle Linux是由Oracle支持的企业级Linux发行,它从红帽企业Linux(RHEL)的源代码包生成。Oracle Linux的独有特性包括一份定制且严格测试过的名为“Oracle Unbreakable Kernel”的Linux内核,与Oracle的多数数据库应用在内的软硬件产品的紧密集成,以及“零掉线打补丁”技术——该特性能让系统管理员在不重 启的情况下更新内核。
oracle Linux 7 update 1 provides the latest features and innovations, such as:
- Linux container support using either Docker or LXC with UEK Release 3
- Comprehensive dynamic tracing with DTrace and UEK Release 3
- Production support for Btrfs with UEK Release 3
- The latest 3rd party hardware support
Download from here: OracleLinux-R7-U1-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso (4,095MB, MD5, pkglist).