Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 RC2 发布

jopen 9年前

Bodhi  Linux是面向桌面的基于Ubuntu的发行,其特色在于优雅及轻量级的Enlightenment窗口管理器。该项目从Enlightenment 的 软件开发仓库中直接集成并预配置最新的Enlightenment,提供了模块特性、高度的可定制性及主题选择。缺省的Bodhi系统很小巧,仅有的预安 装程序是Firefox、Terminology、Elementary  Nautilus及Synaptic,而更多的软件可通过一个基于网页的、称为Bodhi软件中心的软件安装工具获取。

Bodhi Linux 3.0.0 RC2 发布
After much hard work and lots of learning, I am proud to announce the release of our 3.0 Legacy RC2 version. Breaking from tradition, our other versions will no longer be released at the same time due to our recent change in head devs and because the others are being built on E19. I have stripped E19 and revived the E17 desktop and engage for this release, bringing extra speed and consistency back to legacy machines. (You're welcome)

This is my first official version of Bodhi, so expect a few small mistakes. While I have changed the look of Bodhi quite a bit, I have worked hard to maintain the same feel, stability, speed, and functionality that our users have come to love over the years, only chaging things when I thought it improved usability. Hopefully most of my changes will go unnoticed in normal use.

This release will have problems with newer hardware and drivers by default, as it is a legacy OS meant for old computers, and therefore comes with an old kernel. These problems will be solved naturally with our future releases or by manually upgrading the supplied kernel on your own. Keep in mind that this is an RC release and not a final version, meaning the OS is not perfect yet, though it is close, and should be better than many final releases of other distros. The known remaining bugs should not effect usability much. Also, our 3.x repos are currently under construction, but will include lots of E17 extras and goodies for you to play with in the near future.

Lastly, I'd like to give a special thanks to kuuko, Charles, y_lee, and everyone else who helped and supported me in making this release happen for you guys. I couldn't have done it without the awesome Bodhi community!

Please direct your feedback and comments to our IRC channel or the pre-release section of the forums. As usual, let us know what you think and what we can do to make it better for you guys.

-Doug Yanez, A.K.A Deepspeed

Download the ISO here