OpenGL的C++封装,OGLplus 0.9.0 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958324816362635494" target="_blank">OGLplus </a>(oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让 C++ 的 OpenGL 使用更加简单和安全。</p>    <p><br /> OGLplus 0.9.0 发布,该版本包含一些主要的改进,例如:</p>    <p>1. The former Uniform and ProgramUniform and VertexAttrib classes were turned to class templates. <br /> 2. The Matrix4f and Matrix4d typedefs were renamed<span class="truncate_more"> to Mat4f and Mat4d and new matrix typedefs were added. <br /> 3. The AutoBind and HardwiredProgram class templates were added. <br /> 4. Wrappers for glFlush and glFinish functions were added</span></p>