C++国际化 UTF-8 CPP

fmms 13年前
     一个处理UTF-8编码字符串的简单、小巧、跨平台的泛型库。    <pre class="brush:cpp; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">#include <fstream>  #include <iostream>  #include <string>  #include <vector>  #include "utf8.h"  using namespace std;  int main(int argc, char** argv)  {      if (argc != 2) {          cout << "\nUsage: docsample filename\n";          return 0;      }        const char* test_file_path = argv[1];      // Open the test file (contains UTF-8 encoded text)      ifstream fs8(test_file_path);      if (!fs8.is_open()) {      cout << "Could not open " << test_file_path << endl;      return 0;      }        unsigned line_count = 1;      string line;      // Play with all the lines in the file      while (getline(fs8, line)) {         // check for invalid utf-8 (for a simple yes/no check, there is also utf8::is_valid function)          string::iterator end_it = utf8::find_invalid(line.begin(), line.end());          if (end_it != line.end()) {              cout << "Invalid UTF-8 encoding detected at line " << line_count << "\n";              cout << "This part is fine: " << string(line.begin(), end_it) << "\n";          }            // Get the line length (at least for the valid part)          int length = utf8::distance(line.begin(), end_it);          cout << "Length of line " << line_count << " is " << length <<  "\n";            // Convert it to utf-16          vector<unsigned short> utf16line;          utf8::utf8to16(line.begin(), end_it, back_inserter(utf16line));            // And back to utf-8          string utf8line;           utf8::utf16to8(utf16line.begin(), utf16line.end(), back_inserter(utf8line));            // Confirm that the conversion went OK:          if (utf8line != string(line.begin(), end_it))              cout << "Error in UTF-16 conversion at line: " << line_count << "\n";                    line_count++;      }      return 0;  }</pre>    <span style="font-weight:bold;">项目地址:</span>    <a style="font-weight:bold;" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958190413629268572" target="_blank">http://utfcpp.sourceforge.net/</a>