21 个用于移动Web开发的开源框架/应用
在这篇文章中,我们将与大家分享与移动Web开发相关的应用和网络资源集合。这些资源专注于HTML5/ CSS3/ JS的webapps。
320 and Up
320 and Up是一个实用的Web应用,帮助实现移动响应式设计。 它也可以防止漫长的加载时间。

Mobile Boilerplate
Creating a mobile web for all the popular platforms with just a basic knowledge of HTML is what the new and amazingly simple User Interface of JQuery promises. Light weight, easy and handy it is, must try.

jQuery Mobile
Creating a mobile web for all the popular platforms with just a basic knowledge of HTML is what the new and amazingly simple User Interface of JQuery promises. Light weight, easy and handy it is, must try.

960 Grid on jQuery Mobile
Considering the User Interface of Jquery to be little difficult and raw, 960 Grid rather facilitates the use of Jquery by simply allowing its flexibility on large screens to accommodate the use Jquery.
There is no single reason to use Zepto, there are numerous: Zepto is lighter and faster, works with all browsers, works very smoothly with PhoneGap & Co and lastly Zepto is a great help learning more Javascript.
A very helpful Zepto/jQuery Plugin required for web development on iOS and android devices. jQT features quite many interesting features that include SASS Based theming, Zepto Support and iOS 5 scrolling.

Available under the licenses of MIT $ GPL version 2 Treesaver is framework that utilizes standards-compliant HTML and CSS for the development of magazine style layouts.

WPtouch Pro
Offering a total new experience for WordPress sites on mobile phone this tool is very fast and flexible. It comes along with 3 new themes and the BraveNewCloud allows you to download new theme enhancements very easily.

W3C mobileOK Checker
This checker is a part of MobiWeb 2.0 project; it checks the mobile friendliness of a web page by performing various tests.

Liquid CSS Layouts for iPhone
Utilizing percentage widths along with relative positioning this series of website layouts work with almost all the browsers, even on the safari that operates on iOS

As a Web Developer, we need lot of devices. If you do not have iPad/iPhone, don’t worry about it, iPadpeek is right place to test your website or application online easily.

Opera Mini simulator
Opera Mini的是另一种移动应用程序。您可以测试您的应用程序或网站很容易。它需要Java来运行Opera Mini浏览器。

iPhoney is not an iPhone simulator but instead is designed for web developers who want to create 320 by 480 (or 480 by 320) websites for use with iPhone. It gives you a canvas on which to test the visual quality of your designs.

Makeappicon is supporting various formats Jpg, png and psd images this tool helps in re-sizing and optimizing all the icons that you require for your iOS or android apps.Very simple yet very helpful.

Icons DB
do you need an icon in different colors? Well, this is the tool you should go for, this tool has 1541 different icons that you can modify by yourself in any color you want to.

Mobile HTML5
Do you have problems understanding the compatibility of HTML 5 on mobile and tablet browsers? If yes, then this is right resources for you.

HTML5 Mobile Webapp Videos
Learn how to build a mobile HTML5 web app that will work across multiple devices, from start to finish using canvas, localStorage and video.

Mobjectify tool that helps enhancing the speed of your work flow in mobile apps development, mojectify allows the users to utilize a bundle of its widgets to actually brainstorm along with running designs and use integrated script editor to build the design of users in to working.

Mockup Designer

A real light weight in-browser emulator for Android that embeds apps on websites and it can also be used for development application using Eclipse, IntelliJ/IDE and SDK tools.

This tool generates clean and customizable HTML 5 templates that help the user starting off with a new project very quickly.