基于Debian的轻量级发行,GALPon MiniNo 2.0 发布

jopen 11年前

基于Debian的轻量级发行,GALPon MiniNo 2.0 发布
GALPon MiniNo是基于Debian的轻量级发行,它为十年之久或更旧的个人电脑而设计,尽管它在流行的计算机及上网本上可用性也极好。它包含了精心挑选的应 用软件以在功能性、易用性、速度这三者之间达到一个平衡。带有ROX-Filer和PCManFM的IceWM提供了用户桌面。该发行完整地支持三种语言 (英语、加利西亚语、西班牙语);它还带有一些“魔法图标”,这是一套工具,可以自动完成反复性或系统任务,例如,旋转成百上千幅图像或是改变它们的大 小,将音频或视频文件转换为其他格式,或者仅用一次鼠标拖放来烧录一张音乐CD。

" On 16 November 2002 the Pontevedra Linux Users Group, Grupo de Amigos Linux de Pontevedra 'GALPon', was formed in Vigo, a city in the province of Pontevedra, in Galicia in north-west Spain; its objective was to promote the use of GNU/Linux and free software in general, while offering a meeting point for all enthusiasts for this software. Today, 10 years later, to commemorate that day, we are releasing the latest version of our 'distro' GALPon MiniNo v_2.0 aka 'Ártabros' and we are launching this new website which we hope will be more user friendly than the earlier one. It is our hope that this latest version of GALPon MiniNo will be useful and we look forward to your continuing support and your suggestions for further enhancements." Visit the distribution's news page to read the brief release announcement. Download: minino-artabros-2.0.iso (644MB, MD5). 基于Debian的轻量级发行,GALPon MiniNo 2.0 发布