2015 年10个最好的 jQuery 画廊和滑块插件

lidki 9年前

jQuery Hero Slider Plugin

jQuery hero slider plugin is a customizable and responsive content slider which provides designers and developers a free and easy way to quickly add content anywhere to a webpage. There are multiple effect.


Bootstrap Photo Gallery – Responsive Photo Gallery with Bootstrap Grid System

Bootstrap Photo Gallery is a jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive flexible photo gallery (thumbnail grid) using Bootstrap. When you click on a thumbnail, it will popup a gallery lightbox to present all the large images with next/prev navigation, by using Bootstrap’s modal component.


PgwSlideshow – Responsive Slideshow Plugin for jQuery

PgwSlideshow is a responsive slideshow / gallery / carousel plugin for jQuery.


vegas – jQuery/Zepto Plugin to Beautiful Backgrounds & Slideshows

Vegas is a jQuery/Zepto plugin to add beautiful backgrounds and Slideshows to DOM elements.


Shadowbox – Flexible Lightbox Plugin

Shadowbox is a web-based media viewer application that supports all of the web’s most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is written entirely in JavaScript and CSS and is highly customizable. Using Shadowbox, website authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page.

Shadowbox Flexible Lightbox Plugin

Galleria – Beautiful Responsive JavaScript image gallery

Galleria is a JavaScript image gallery framework that simplifies the process of creating beautiful image galleries for the web and mobile devices.


Expandable Image Gallery

Expandable Image Gallery :-An image that expands on click, going full-width and turning into a gallery. Created by using CSS3 transitions and jQuery.

Expandable Image Gallery

jQuery Rotated Gallery with CSS3

Today i will teach you how to create a tilted gallery using jQuery and using the CSS3 transform property. Each gallery features controls and popup for each picture.
This tutorial is best suited for portfolio galleries or for creating a professional photo gallery. This tutorial is made so that it will work with unlimited number of sliders, photos and on any screen size.


desoSlide – jQuery Image Slider with Thumbnails

desoSlide is simple jQuery image slider with thumbnails. You can control the slider by clicking or pressing your keyboard keys. Also there are some options to customize slider. Caption is avaliable for each image.


before-after.js – Responsive Image Comparision Slider with CSS3

before-after.js is a simple and responsive image comparison slider with CSS3.

before-after.js – Responsive Image Comparision Slider with CSS3