Java持久层框架 MyBatis 3.0.6 发布

jopen 12年前
     <p>mybatis 3.0.6 发布了,下载地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193558993151239"></a>   3.0 MB</p>    <p>MyBatis 的前身就是 iBatis 。是一个数据持久层(ORM)框架。</p>    <p><img title="MyBatis 3.0.6 发布" border="0" alt="MyBatis 3.0.6 发布" src="" width="400" height="343" /></p>    <p><strong>iBATIS</strong>一词来源于“internet”和“abatis”的组合,是一个基于Java的持久层框架。iBATIS提供的持久层框架包括SQL Maps和Data Access Objects(<span class="new">DAO</span>),同时还提供一个利用这个框架开发的 JPetStore实例。<br /> 项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193559747112207" target="_blank"></a></p>    <div class="post">     <div class="post-bgtop">      <div class="post-bgbtm">       <h2 class="title">What is MyBatis</h2>       <div style="border-left:#cccccc 1px solid;float:right;margin-left:15px;vertical-align:top;">        <a style="padding-left:0px;background:none transparent scroll repeat 0% 0%;" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193560490725614"><img title="MyBatis Data Mapper process" border="0" alt="MyBatis Data Mapper process" src="" width="225" height="193" /></a>       </div>       <div class="entry">        <p>The MyBatis data mapper framework makes it easier to use a relational database with object-oriented applications. MyBatis couples objects with stored procedures or SQL statements using a XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of the MyBatis data mapper over object relational mapping tools.</p>        <p>To use the MyBatis data mapper, you rely on your own objects, XML, and SQL. There is little to learn that you don't already know. With the MyBatis Data Mapper, you have the full power of both SQL and stored procedures at your fingertips.</p>       </div>      </div>     </div>    </div>    <p> </p>