PostgreSQL 的异步 JDBC 驱动 :pgjdbc-ng 0.0.2 发布

jopen 10年前

PGJDBC-NG是一个完全新的PostgreSQL JDBC驱动程序的实现,支持 JDBC 4.1.特别是支持高级 UDT 特性,使用了异步 I/O 库(Netty) 实现,支持其他的例如异步通知的高级特性。

发布说明:此版本包括几乎所有的JDBC4.1特性,  除了DataSources。Currently all but java.sql.Ref and national language string types are supported properly. This release also includes advanced support for UDT's, including a Java code generator for database types. Nearly all advanced features of JDBC are supported, as well as advanced Postgres features like SSL. Performance considerations have been added, like streaming of large binary streams and removal of all finalizers.