集成开发环境,Light Table 0.8.1 发布
LightTable 是由 Microsoft Visual Studio 部门项目经理 Chris Granger 离职后用 clojure 和 css 开发的全新理念的 IDE,支持多种语言。Light Table是一个很简单的概念:我们需要真正的工作面板,不只是编辑器和项目管理器。我们可以把东西尽量整洁地堆在这里,需要的时候可以把资料直接拿出来 看。

LightTable 0.8.1 发布,更新如下:
CHANGED: [:app :lt.objs.settings/pair-keymap-diffs] behavior is being deprecated. Use [:editor :lt.objs.editor/autoclose-brackets] in your user.behaviors instead. lt.objs.editor/autoclose-brackets should fix autoclosing characters e.g. '[{" for international users.
CHANGED: Backspace key uses the same CodeMirror plugin that lt.objs.editor/autoclose-brackets does
CHANGED: lt.util.cljs/js->clj is being deprecated. Plugin authors can use the js->clj that comes with ClojureScript
CHANGED: Removed unused lt.objs.titlebar ns and lt.objs.titlebar/add-titlebar behavior
CHANGED: Removed unused styling in structure.css
CHANGED: Removed harbor and jshint node packages that belong to other LightTable plugins
CHANGED: Removed :hide-connect command which is the same as :show-connect
CHANGED: Removed light skin which was just a confusing pointer to dark skin
CHANGED: files/open-sync logs an error when trying to open a nonexistent file. Previously the error was ignored
CHANGED: Check for updates every hour instead of every 5 minutes
FIX: Git (vcs) friendly! Changing branches and doing rebases doesn't cause buggy dialogs. If a file is removed, the tab is closed. If a file has a local modification, the user decides whether to overwrite the current file or not
FIX: LightTable documentation supports navigation as it is now in a browser tab
FIX: Save and remove trailing whitespace behavior refreshes tab
FIX: Navigator no longer cuts off end of files i.e. can scroll horizontally
FIX: Case sensitive renaming of files e.g. readme -> README
FIX: Faster detection of binaries in build scripts
FIX: In linux, middle click to close tab doesn't paste clipboard contents
FIX: :open-path command resolves relative paths before opening them
FIX: Clearer description of font-settings behavior
FIX: Clear console error when github endpoints returns invalid JSON
FIX: All errors are consistently caught and logged to console
ADDED: Light Table builds without warnings on ClojureScript 1.7.x
ADDED: Add build target for generating cljsdeps.js (need for ClojureScript upgrade)
ADDED: Linux and Windows users have access keys on menus
ADDED: Linux and Windows users have additional menu items under File: Quit Light Table and About Light Table
ADDED: Added file type definitions for html templates: ERB, ASPX, EJS, JSP
ADDED: Command-0/Ctrl-0 to reset zoom and Command-=/Ctrl-= to zoom in
ADDED: Disply notification to user after installing/updating/uninstalling a plugin