rsync 的图形界面程序,Grsync 1.2.1 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326153969169239" target="_blank">Grsync 1.2.1</a> 发布,Grsync 是一个 rsync 的图形界面程序,rsync是类unix系统下的数据镜像备份工具,从软件的命名上就可以看出来了——remote sync。</p>    <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p><img alt="rsync 的图形界面程序,Grsync 1.2.1 发布" src="" width="456" height="521" /></p>    </div>    <p>改进内容:</p>    <p>1. <span>启用</span><span>会话</span><span>集</span> (这是一个实验功能,如果有Bug请报告). <br /> 2. 它增加了统一的支持。它修复了保存当前会话创建一个新的。<br /> 3. It has a little<span class="truncate_more"> fix to the main window layout for the two "open" buttons, which had some overflown translations. <br /> 4. It fixes Grsync-batch when paths had spaces in them. <br /> 5. Global and file progress updates have been optimized. <br /> 6. It fixes a translation problem on the "slashes" help dialog. <br /> 7. It has an updated Dutch translation</span></p>