iPhone 5是真实存在的,听听接触过iPhone 5原型机的人是怎么说的

fmms 13年前
     <p> 在 iPhone 4S 于上个月推出之前,很多人都相信,新款 iPhone 一定会有全新的设计,但最后发布的却是外形和 iPhoen 4 差不多的 iPhone 4S,很多人都对此深感失望。然而,经消息人士透露,一款全新设计的 iPhone 5 是存在的。消息人士称,苹果本来是要在今年发布 iPhone 5 的,但在 iPhone 4S 发布的前3个月改变了计划,因为乔布斯对大屏幕的 iPhoen 5 并不满意,认为它破坏了 iOS 生态系统。</p>    <p> 以下是接触过 iPhone 5 原型机的消息人士提供的细节信息:</p>    <p> <strong>1. iPhone 5 原型机屏幕大小为4英寸,就像下图的三星手机一样</strong></p>    <p> <strong><img alt="The prototype had a bigger screen than the current iPhone. It was 4" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/b288b51e3c2dee07bfe26a2452ffbd93.jpg" /></strong></p>    <p> <strong>2. 和 iPad 2 一样,iPhone 5 采用的是铝制后壳</strong></p>    <p style="text-align:center;"><img alt="The new phones were supposed to have aluminum backs like the iPad 2." src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/af13b958f6b52ad3bffa309331bdd6e6.jpg" /></p>    <p> <strong>3. iPhone 5 采用液态金属技术,怎么刮也不会掉色</strong></p>    <p style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Eventually, our source hears, Apple wants to use its " src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/4a785852980e1d57c2658466a34cc4fb.jpg" /></p>    <p> <strong>4. iPhoen 5 采用的不是物理 Home 键,而是感应式 Home 键</strong></p>    <p> <strong><img alt="The prototype's home button " src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/c202f4b4c1a958e2e12912a0c2f363a4.jpg" /></strong></p>    <p> <strong>5. iPhone 5 外观非常扁平</strong></p>    <p> <strong><img alt="Our source says the prototype was " src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/a14f25f04da66d922290a1e0a1f66fcd.jpg" /></strong></p>    <p> <strong>6. iPhone 5 比一般的 iPhone 手机更快,但电池也就成了问题</strong></p>    <p> <strong><img alt="The prototype was MUCH faster than normal iPhones, but that's because it had its limiter removed to disguise its actual power. Its battery life sucked." src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/9a2c41f5bd235cd00d304681d46e5fa1.jpg" /></strong></p>    <p> <strong>7. 1000 万像素</strong></p>    <p> <strong><img alt="Engineers told our source that the new phone was supposed to have a 10 megapixel lens." src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/f76c10e3f024269b51481c7450392993.jpg" /></strong></p>    <p> <strong>8. 同样有语音助手,但不叫 Siri,而叫“Assistant”</strong></p>    <p style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Finally, our source said the prototype had Siri, but it was called " src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/03fe5c9ab47906065e0873475dbd5042.jpg" /></p>    <p> via<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199075887421987" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"> BI</a><br /> 来自: <a id="link_source2" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199076669779289" target="_blank">www.36kr.com</a></p>