Korora 19.1 发布

jopen 10年前

Korora的诞生是为了让Linux对新手而言更易于使用的同时对专业用户依然有用。Korora的主旨是为通用计算提供一份完整的、易于使用的系统。起初在2005年它是基于Gentoo Linux的,但在2010年Korora重新以Fedora衍化的形式问世,并带有额外的微调及部件,以让系统能开箱即用。
Korora 19.1 发布
Chris Smart has announced the release of Korora 19.1, an updated build of the project's Fedora-based distribution with a choice of GNOME and KDE desktops - and now also available in MATE and Cinnamon flavours: " Today we released Korora 19.1 which is a 3-month update to the original 19 release. Anyone already running Korora doesn't need this; however, if you are planning do any more installs we highly recommend downloading this new release as it includes all updates, a few tweaks and fixes a number of bugs. This release also includes versions of the MATE and Cinnamon desktops which we've created to gauge community interest. The 19.1 release features: all updates at time of release, including KDE 4.11, Linux kernel 3.11.2 and Firefox 24; introduces support for MATE and Cinnamon desktops; replaces RawTherapee raw image editor with darktable...." Here is the brief release announcement with screenshots.
Download ( MD5):
korora-19.1-x86_64-mate-live.iso (1,735MB).

Korora 19.1 发布