ClearOS 6.5.0 "Community" 发布,一套服务器、网络和网关平台

jopen 10年前

ClearOS Enterprise是一套服务器、网络和网关平台,它面向小型公司及分布式企业环境而设计。ClearOS Enterprise基于ClearOS Core,后者是Red Hat Enterprise Linux的改造。该发行灵活并且包含了大量的组件及集成服务,它们可以通过一份基于网页的界面来配置。ClearOS Enterprise中的工具有反病毒、反垃圾邮件、虚拟专用网、内容过滤、带宽管理、文件服务器、电子邮件服务、打印服务、SSL证书、网页服务。ClearOS包含了一个电子集散中心,以简化包含第三方模块在内的软件安装。该发行通过免费下载提供,并且只要免费注册就能获取基本操作系统的更新。  ClearOS 6.5.0
Peter Baldwin has announced the release of ClearOS 6.5.0 "Community" edition, a CentOS-based distribution for cloud-connected servers and gateways designed for homes, hobbyists and small organisations: " ClearOS Community 6.5.0 is now available. Along with the usual round of bug fixes and enhancements, the 6.5.0 release introduces QoS, marketplace enhancements, a network detail report, an administrators application, official Amazon EC2 support, a software RAID manager, a network map tool, UPnP support, an updated web server application, as well as new reporting features. Under the hood, some changes were made to support OwnCloud as well as web-based applications (Tiki Wiki, WordPress, Joomla, etc.). For businesses and organizations, ClearOS Professional 6.5.0 also includes: network map for business; Samba 4 and Samba Directory (beta)." See the release announcement and release notes for further information and upgrade instructions. Download (MD5) from here: clearos-community-6.5.0-x86_64.iso (553MB).
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