大文件版本控制,bfsync 0.3.3 发布

jopen 12年前
   <p><span class="truncate_more"><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958186924247075129" target="_blank">bfsync </a>是一个为大文件提供 git 风格的版本控制的程序,文件内容使用 bfsync 管理,使用 git 资料库来完成版本控制,资料库只存储数据文件的哈希值。<br /> </span></p>    <p><img alt="大文件版本控制,bfsync 0.3.3 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/f95423167376d0a85cdb4a415eb73a12.png" width="556" height="271" /></p>    <h2><span id="What_Bfsync_can_do" class="mw-headline">Bfsync所能实现的功能: </span></h2>    <ul>     <li><b>synchronize a collection of big files between many machines</b>, where the collection is changed independently on different machines</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>offline commits</b>, so you can change files and commit on your laptop and resynchronize as soon as you have network connectivity again</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>file-level deduplication</b>, so storing a file twice under different names will not use more space than storing it once - also renames or removing a file and re-adding it will not retransfer the data, if the repository already has it</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>storing all attributes</b>, bfsync stores everything a normal filesystem would store, like user/group settings, permissions, symlinks, hard links, devices, ... (this is useful for backups)</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>storing each file only once</b>: many version control systems store files two times on the users machines, once internally and a second time as "checkout"; especially for huge files (mp3s, photos, videos) this is not convenient. bfsync stores each file only once, and provides a view on the data in the FuSE filesystem; it uses <b>copy-on-write</b> if a file is modified</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>old versions remain available</b>: bfsync keeps all files and all versions available in each checkout; within the filesystem there is a .bfsync/commits/N directory for all commits, so you can look at all old versions from within the filesystem</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>rate-limiting</b>: since big files take extremely long to transfer, bfsync allows to limit the bandwidth used for file transfer, so it can run in background without disturbing your normal work</li>    </ul>    <ul>     <li><b>管理海量文件</b>: since bfsync can be used for backups, the algorithms that are required for this use case have been optimized for speed and memory usage; other algorithms (like the merge algorithm) are not so optimized - if you have really lots of files (like 5.000.000 files), you can use bfsync to manage them, but some features like merging will not be usable</li>    </ul>    <p></p>    <p><b><span class="truncate_more"><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958186924247075129" target="_blank">bfsync </a>0.3.3 版本降低对 clone/pull 的内存消耗,提升了性能,修复了 bfsyncfs umount 程序崩溃的问题。</span></b></p>    <p> </p>