Puppy Linux 5.5 "Precise"发布,非常小的Linux发行

jopen 11年前

是 的,Puppy Linux是另外一种Linux发行。它的不同之处在于,Puppy是格外的小,然而又充满了特性。Puppy能从64M的存储设备启动,并且,整套系统 都能在内存中运行。有很多自启动运行光盘的Linux发行,它们需要不停地从光盘读取数据才能运行,Puppy与它们不一样,Puppy整个装载在内存 中。这意味着,所有的应用程序一眨眼的功夫就能启动,并且立即对用户的输入作出响应。Puppy Linux能从flash卡或者是任何的USB存储设备启动(这是flash-Puppy),或者光盘(这是live-Puppy),或者Zip disk及LS/120/240 Superdisk(这是zippy-Puppy),或者软盘(这是floppy-Puppy),或者硬盘(这是hard-Puppy)。它甚至可以使用 一张多区段烧录的CD-R/DVD-R以将所有内容保存回CD/DVD中。
Puppy Linux 5.5
Barry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.5 "Precise" edition, a small distribution built from and compatible with Ubuntu 12.04.2 binary packages: " Well, time marches on and Ubuntu have released their second build of 'Precise Pangolin', 12.04.2. Precise Puppy 5.5 is built from 12.04.2 DEBs, but of course it is extremely important to understand with Puppy Linux that our use of the binary packages of another distro is only a convenience for us, to obtain binary compatibility, hence compatibility with that distro's package repositories -- in all other respects, from the lowest levels of the infrastructure upward, Puppy is unique. There have been many bug fixes and improvements at the Woof level since Precise 5.4.3 was released, plus many package fixes and upgrades. Enough to warrant the number jump to 5.5." See the release announcement and release notes for additional details. Download the live CD image from ibiblio.org: precise-5.5.iso (168MB, MD5). <IMG title="Puppy Linux" border=1 hspace=6 alt="Puppy Linux 5.5 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/5ff7ad93de5414ac965b15ec7620dfc5.png" width=480 height=384 precise?发布,非常小的linux发行?="">