Android SDK 4.0 发布下载

jopen 12年前
     <p>随着 <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194346484158405" target="_blank">Android 4.0</a> 的发布,4.0 的开发包也同时发布,下载地址:</p>    <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194346484158405" target="_blank"><br /> </a></p>    <p><br /> 新的SDK支持移动数据控制、面部识别、高分辨率图像、增强共享等功能。<br /> <br /> </p>    <p><strong><img title="android.png" border="0" alt="android.png" align="left" src="" width="90" height="90" />Android是谷歌(Google)公司推出的手机开发平台</strong>。</p>    <p>与iPhone相似,Android采用WebKit浏览器引擎,具备触摸屏、高级图形显示和上网功能,用户能够在手机上查看电子邮件、搜索网址和观看视频节目等,比iPhone等其他手机更强调搜索功能,界面更强大,可以说是一种融入全部Web应用的单一平台,下图是 Android 手机平台开发工具包说提供的模拟器界面截图:</p>    <p> <img title="Android SDK 4.0 发布下载" border="0" alt="Android SDK 4.0 发布下载" src="" width="600" height="426" /></p>    <p>但其最震撼人心之处在于Android手机系统的开放性和服务免费。Android是一个对第三方软件完全开放的平台,开发者在为其开发程序时 拥有更大的自由度,突破了iPhone等只能添加为数不多的固定软件的枷锁;同时与Windows Mobile、Symbian等厂商不同,Android操作系统免费向开发人员提供,这样可节省近三成成本。</p>    <p>Android项目目前正在从手机运营商、手机厂商、开发者和消费者那里获得大力支持。谷歌移动平台主管安迪·鲁宾(Andy Rubin)表示,与软件开发合作伙伴的密切接触正在进行中。从去年11月开始,谷歌开始向服务提供商、芯片厂商和手机销售商提供Android平台,并 组建“开放手机联盟”,其成员超过30家。</p>    <p><br /> 详细信息请参看:</p>    <p>Android 4.0 is a major platform release that adds a variety of new features for users and app developers. Besides all the new features and APIs discussed below, Android 4.0 is an important platform release because it brings the extensive set of APIs and Holographic themes from Android 3.x to smaller screens. As an app developer, you now have a single platform and unified API framework that enables you to develop and publish your application with a single APK that provides an optimized user experience for handsets, tablets, and more, when running the same version of Android—Android 4.0 (API level 14) or greater. </p>    <p>The Android 4.0 platform is available as a downloadable component for the Android SDK so you can begin developing and testing your applications on Android 4.0 with the Android emulator. The downloadable platform includes an Android library and system image, as well as a set of emulator skins and more. The downloadable platform does not include any external libraries.</p>    <p>To start developing or testing against Android 4.0, use the Android SDK Manager to download the platform into your SDK. For more information, see <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194347935357417">Adding SDK Components</a>. If you are new to Android, <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194348688494265">download the SDK Starter Package</a> first.</p>    <p class="note"><strong>Reminder:</strong> If you've already published an Android application, please test your application on Android 4.0 as soon as possible to be sure your application provides the best experience possible on the latest Android-powered devices.</p>    <p>For a high-level overview of the new user and developer features in Android 4.0, see the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194349439538087">Platform Highlights</a>.</p>    <br />    <br />    <strong>更多信息</strong>:    <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958194346484158405"></a>    <br />    <p></p>