10个用于实现动画效果的实用 jQuery 插件

jopen 9年前

10 Useful jQuery Plugins for Animation and Effects

Scrollorama – jQuery Plugins 

The jQuery plugin for cool scroll animation

The jQuery plugin for animation

The jQuery plugin for cool scroll animation.

Smooth Scroll – jQuery Plugins 

Easy implementation of smooth scrolling for same-page links.

ScrollMagic – jQuery Plugins 

jQuery plugin Animation

ScrollMagic jQuery plugin

The jQuery plugin for magical scroll interactions.

Stellar.js – jQuery Plugins 

Parallax scrolling made easy.

jCarousel – jQuery Plugins 

jQuery plugin

jCarousel jQuery plugin

jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or vertical order. It provides a full-featured and flexible toolset for navigating any HTML based content in a carousel-like fashion.

jQuery Zoomooz – jQuery Plugins 

Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.

Lazy Line Painter – jQuery Plugins 

jQuery plugin

jQuery plugin for path animation

A jQuery plugin for path animation using the Raphaël Library.

AnimateScroll – jQuery Plugins 

AnimateScroll is a jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll to any part of the page in style by just calling the animatescroll() function with the Id or Classname of the element where you want to scroll to. It has more than 30 unique easing effects.

Fraction Slider – jQuery Plugins 

 Fraction Slider

Fraction Slider

jQuery plugin for image/text-sliders. It allows you to animate multiple elements per slide. Set different animation methods like fade or (from) left, delays and easing for each element, or simple set some defaults in the plugin options. You also have full layout/design control through HTML and css (every HTML-element can be animated). Its also fully responsive.

Kwicks for jQuery – jQuery Plugins 

Sexy sliding panels with an emphasis on navigational interaction.