开源数据库 MySQL 5.1.60 GA 发布下载

jopen 13年前
     <p>MySQL 5.1 发布最新的 5.1.60 GA 版本,下载地址:</p>    <ul>     <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958190589459761326" target="_blank">http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html</a></li>    </ul>    <p>主要改进记录:</p>    <p><span class="bold"><strong>Functionality Added or Changed</strong></span></p>    <div class="itemizedlist">     <ul>      <li> <p>Upgrading from an <code class="literal">Advanced GPL</code> RPM package to an <code class="literal">Advanced</code> RPM package did not work. Now on Linux it is possible to use <span><strong class="command">rpm -U</strong></span> to replace any installed MySQL product by any other of the same release family. It is not necessary to remove the old produce with <span><strong class="command">rpm -e</strong></span> first. (Bug #11886309)</p> </li>      <li> <p><a title="13.9. The MEMORY Storage Engine" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199998292815373"><code class="literal">MEMORY</code></a> table creation time is now available in the <code class="literal">CREATE_TIME</code> column of the <a title="19.2. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES Table" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199999037885200"><code class="literal">INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES</code></a> table and the <code class="literal">Create_time</code> column of <a title=" SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958199999773379098"><code class="literal">SHOW TABLE STATUS</code></a> output. (Bug #51655, Bug #11759349)</p> </li>     </ul>    </div>    <p><span class="bold"><strong>Bugs Fixed</strong></span></p>    <div class="itemizedlist">     <ul>      <li> <p><span class="bold"><strong>InnoDB Storage Engine</strong></span>: This fix improves the performance of instrumentation code for <code class="literal">InnoDB</code> buffer pool operations. (Bug #12950803, Bug #62294)</p> </li>      <li> <p><span class="bold"><strong>InnoDB Storage Engine</strong></span>: Data from BLOB columns could be lost if the server crashed at a precise moment when other columns were being updated in an <code class="literal">InnoDB</code> table. (Bug #12704861)</p> </li>      <li> <p><span class="bold"><strong>InnoDB Storage Engine</strong></span>: Lookups using secondary indexes could give incorrect matches under a specific set of conditions. The conditions involve an index defined on a column prefix, for a BLOB or other long column stored outside the index page, with a table using the Barracuda file format. (Bug #12601439)</p> </li>      <li> <p><span class="bold"><strong>InnoDB Storage Engine</strong></span>: This fix corrects cases where the MySQL server could hang or abort with a <code class="literal">long semaphore wait</code> message. (This is a different issue than when these symptoms occurred during a <a title=" CHECK TABLE Syntax" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200000521509027"><code class="literal">CHECK TABLE</code></a> statement.) (Bug #11766591, Bug #59733)</p> </li>      <li> <p><span class="bold"><strong>Replication</strong></span>: Issuing the following statements, in the order shown, could cause a deadlock between the user thread and I/O thread: </p> <pre class="programlisting">START SLAVE;  STOP SLAVE SQL_THREAD;  START SLAVE;</pre> <p>(Bug #11878104)</p> <p>See also Bug #44312, Bug #11752963, Bug #38715, Bug #38716.</p> </li>      <li> <p>Internal conversion of zero to binary and back could yield a result with incorrect precision. (Bug #12911710)</p> </li>      <li> <p>Valgrind warnings generated by <code class="literal">filesort</code> operations were fixed. (Bug #12856915)</p> </li>      <li> <p>Several improvements were made to the <code class="literal">libedit</code> library bundled with MySQL distributions, and that is available for all platforms that MySQL supports except Windows. </p>       <div class="itemizedlist">        <ul>         <li> <p>Navigation keys did not work for UTF-8 input. </p> </li>         <li> <p>Word navigation and delete operations did not work for UTF-8 input with Cyrillic characters. </p> </li>         <li> <p>Nonlatin characters were corrupted in overwrite mode for UTF-8 input. </p> </li>         <li> <p>Long queries caused the statement history file to become corrupted. </p> </li>         <li> <p>The Alt key caused history operations to fail. </p> </li>        </ul>       </div> <p>(Bug #12605400, Bug #12613725, Bug #12618092, Bug #12624155, Bug #12617651, Bug #12605388)</p> </li>      <li> <p>The help message for <a title="4.4.5. mysql_install_db — Initialize MySQL Data Directory" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200001245388153"><span><strong class="command">mysql_install_db</strong></span></a> did not indicate that it supports the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200001982832169"><code class="option">--defaults-file</code></a>, <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200002734125385"><code class="option">--defaults-extra-file</code></a> and <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200003474723560"><code class="option">--no-defaults</code></a> options. (Bug #58898, Bug #11765888)</p> </li>      <li> <p>An assertion designed to detect zero-length sort keys also was raised when the entire key set fit in memory. (Bug #58200, Bug #11765254)</p> </li>      <li> <p><a title="4.6.5. myisampack — Generate Compressed, Read-Only MyISAM Tables" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200004205424629"><span><strong class="command">myisampack</strong></span></a> could create corrupt <code class="literal">FULLTEXT</code> indexes when compressing tables. (Bug #53646, Bug #11761180)</p> </li>      <li> <p><a title=" OPTIMIZE TABLE Syntax" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200004956435897"><code class="literal">OPTIMIZE TABLE</code></a> could corrupt <a title="13.5. The MyISAM Storage Engine" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200005702541082"><code class="literal">MyISAM</code></a> tables if <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200006442413625"><code class="literal">myisam_use_mmap</code></a> was enabled. (Bug #49030, Bug #11757032)</p> </li>      <li> <p>If MySQL was configured with <code class="option">--without-plugin-innobase</code> and <code class="option">--with-plugin-innodb_plugin</code>, to suppress building the built-in InnoDB storage engine and build the InnoDB Plugin instead, the <a title="4.6.1. innochecksum — Offline InnoDB File Checksum Utility" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200007178474607"><span><strong class="command">innochecksum</strong></span></a> utility was not built. (Bug #47337, Bug #11755544)</p> </li>      <li> <p>A linking problem prevented the <a title="13.11. The FEDERATED Storage Engine" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200007914479136"><code class="literal">FEDERATED</code></a> storage engine plugin from loading. (Bug #40942, Bug #11750417)</p> </li>      <li> <p>On Fedora, certain accesses to <code class="filename">/var/lib/mysql/HOSTNAME.err</code> were blocked by SELinux policy, which made the server fail at startup with the message: <code class="literal">Manager of pid-file quit without updating file</code> (Bug #37165, Bug #12927740)</p> </li>      <li> <p>For <a title="13.11. The FEDERATED Storage Engine" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958200007914479136"><code class="literal">FEDERATED</code></a> tables, loss of connection to the remote table during some insert operations could cause a server crash. (Bug #34660, Bug #11747970)</p> </li>     </ul>    </div>    <p><strong>MySQL</strong>是一个开放源码的小型关联式数据库管理系统,开发者为瑞典MySQL AB公司。目前MySQL被广泛地应用在Internet上的中小型网站中。由于其体积小、速度快、总体拥有成本低,尤其是开放源码这一特点,许多中小型网站为了降低网站总体拥有成本而选择了MySQL作为网站数据库。</p>    <h4>MySQL的特性</h4>    <ul>     <li>使用C和C++编写,并使用了多种编译器进行测试,保证源代码的可移植性。</li>     <li>支持AIX、BSDi、FreeBSD、HP-UX、Linux、Mac OS、Novell Netware、NetBSD、OpenBSD、OS/2 Wrap、Solaris、SunOS、Windows等多种操作系统。</li>     <li>为多种编程语言提供了API。这些编程语言包括C、C++、C#、Delphi、Eiffel、Java、Perl、PHP、Python、Ruby和Tcl等。</li>     <li>支持多线程,充分利用CPU资源,支持多用户。</li>     <li>优化的SQL查询算法,有效地提高查询速度。</li>     <li>既能够作为一个单独的应用程序应用在客户端服务器网络环境中,也能够作为一个库而嵌入到其他的软件中。</li>     <li>提供多语言支持,常见的编码如中文的GB 2312、BIG5,日文的Shift_JIS等都可以用作数据表名和数据列名。</li>     <li>提供TCP/IP、ODBC和JDBC等多种数据库连接途径。</li>     <li>提供用于管理、检查、优化数据库操作的管理工具。</li>     <li>可以处理拥有上千万条记录的大型数据库。</li>    </ul>