用户友好的桌面和服务器Linux发行,Black Lab Linux 7.0 发布

jopen 8年前

Black Lab Linux(之前叫做OS4 OpenLinux)是一份用户友好的桌面和服务器Linux发行,它基于Ubuntu。它最有趣的一些特性包括对流行浏览器插件的支持,增加了用于多媒体创作、内容创建和软件开发的软件包,以及一份基于GNOME Shell的创新桌面布局。它也分别提供KDE样式和Xfce样式的桌面。开发该发行的公司还出售一套预装有Black Lab Linux的迷你桌面系统。

The Black Lab Linux project has announced a new release of its commercial offerings. The new release, Black Lab Linux 7.0, ships with the Xfce 4.12 desktop, LibreOffice 5, version 5 of the GNU Compiler Collection, WINE and version 3.19.0 of the Linux kernel. "Today we are announcing the release of Black Lab Linux 7.0. Over the past 6 months we have released several betas, presented 4 release candidates, and generally done a ton of work, culminating in Black Lab 7, our vision of what the best Linux desktop should be. Black Lab Linux 7 introduces many improvements to the core system and improves many OS functions of the OS from wireless connectivity to power management to general hardware support. Other improvements include (but are not limited to): Kernel 3.19.0-33, full XFS Filesystem support, full exFAT support, Xfce 4.12, new deskbar layout, LibreOffice 5, Chromium web browser, Pepper Flash plugin..." Further information on the release, its minimal hardware rquirements and purchasing options can be found in the project's release notes.