智能预测文字输入平台 presage 0.8.7 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p>presage 0.8.7 发布,这是个重要的版本。该版本整合进强大的Windows 文本编辑器 Notepad++ ,具体如下:</p>    <blockquote>     <p>This release integrates into Notepad++, a powerful Windows text editor, thanks to the new presage predictive Notepad++ plugin NppPresage. It comes with improved configuration profile handling on Windows: it now locates the system profile configuration directory from HKCU/Software/Presage registry key on Windows, and correctly locates the user profile directory. There are improvements to gprompter, including an updated text editing widget and a new invert colours feature. gprompter and pyprompter also come with new (and ugly) icons on the GNOME desktop.</p>    </blockquote>    <p>Presage(前身为Soothsayer)是一种智能预测文字输入平台。它利用自然语言中的冗余信息嵌入到生成的预测。它的模块化和可插入架构允许它的语言模式,扩展和定制,利用统计,句法和语义信息来源。<br /> 项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193216284974274" target="_blank">http://presage.sourceforge.net/</a><br /> <br /> <img title="logo.png" border="0" alt="logo.png" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/090b4ff89dac55c88f401cc03c375f25.png" width="93" height="55" /><a title="Get Presage" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193217025240411" rel="tag"><br /> <br /> Download</a></p>    <div id="node-16" class="node node-type-page">     <div class="node-inner">      <div class="meta"></div>      <div class="content">       <h2>Requirements</h2>       <p>A working development environment:</p>       <ul>        <li>On Linux/Unix systems, this means having GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection packages, as well as libraries for these languages (libstdc++, libgcj, glibc, etc). </li>        <li>On Windows systems, please use Cygwin or MinGW. </li>       </ul>       <p>Please refer to:</p>       <ul>        <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193217767145738">README</a></li>        <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193218495489301">INSTALL</a></li>        <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193219233663458">INSTALL_cygwin_dev_env.txt</a></li>        <li><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193219975429480">INSTALL_MinGW_MSYS_dev_env.txt</a></li>       </ul>       <p>files for more detailed information on software dependencies required to build presage.</p>       <p>A full list of required and optional software can be found in the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193217767145738">README</a>.</p>       <h2>Releases</h2>       <p>Stable releases are available for download from <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193221393269011">SourceForge</a>.</p>       <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193221393269011"><img alt="Download presage" src="http://presage.sourceforge.net/sites/all/files/download_presage.png" /></a></p>       <h2>SVN access</h2>       <p>You can obtain the very latest ``bleeding edge'' source code directly from our SVN repository.</p>       <p>Please note that the latest sources may be in an experimental state and thus not suitable for general usage (in practice, however, the latest trunk is always in pretty good shape).</p>       <p>Please refer to the source code repository section on the <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958193222800596249">Development page</a> for additional instructions.</p>       <h2>Building presage</h2>       <p>Presage is currently available in source code form only.</p>       <p>Building is just as easy as:<br /> <code><br /> ./configure<br /> make all<br /> </code></p>       <p>To run the test suite:<br /> <code><br /> make check<br /> </code></p>       <p>To install, just say:<br /> <code><br /> make install<br /> </code></p>      </div>      <ul class="links inline">       <li class="comment_forbidden first last"><span><a href="http://presage.sourceforge.net/?q=user/login&destination=comment%2Freply%2F16%23comment-form">Login</a> or <a href="http://presage.sourceforge.net/?q=user/register&destination=comment%2Freply%2F16%23comment-form">register</a> to post comments</span></li>      </ul>     </div>    </div>