Groovy 2.4 发布,支持使用Groovy编写Android应用

jopen 9年前
Groovy 团队很高兴地宣布Groovy2.4.0发布了! 



  • traits can use the @SelfType annotation with static type checking enabled to restrict to what classes traits can be applied
  • GDK methods improvements
  • some refinements to existing AST transformations
  • further Groovysh improvements as well.
Please have a look at the full release notes for Groovy 2.4 to know more about the new features and all the interesting tickets closed.

You can have a look at the 2.4 changelog on the new Groovy website too.

And then, just go grab this release while it's hot!

Thanks a lot to all those who contributed to this release, whether through bug reports, but also with documentation or code contributions through pull requests. All your help is warmly welcome!

Your support of Groovy and its ecosystem is what makes Groovy so strong, and what will allow it to continue making us all more productive for the next decade!

Keep on groovy'ing!
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