Apache Commons Codec 1.6 发布

fmms 12年前
     <p>Commons项目中用来处理常用的编码方法的工具类包,例如DES、SHA1、MD5、Base64等等。</p>    <p>1.6 版本改进记录:</p>    <p>修复的bug:<br /> o Use standard Maven directory layout.  Issue: CODEC-129. <br /> o Documentation spelling fixes.  Issue: CODEC-128. <br /> o Fix various character encoding issues in comments and test cases.  Issue: CODEC-127.<br /> o ColognePhonetic Javadoc should use HTML entities for special characters. Issue: CODEC-123.<br /> <br /> 改变:<br /> o Implement a Beider-Morse phonetic matching codec.  Issue: CODEC-125.<br /> o Migrate to Java 5.  Issue: CODEC-119.<br /> o Migrate to JUnit 4.  Issue: CODEC-120.<br /> <br /> 项目地址:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958317023011314095" target="_blank">http://commons.apache.org/codec/</a></p>