修改版的Firefox - Pale Moon 9.1 / Pale Moon 3.6.28

fmms 12年前
     <p><span style="font-weight:bold;">最近一个修改版的Firefox - Pale Moon在国外相当热门,它主要是为了提升Firefox的速度而设计,带来了更多的编译器优化,提高了其速度和效率,特别是有关数学和逻辑运算环节,</span>Pale Moon的速度很占优,三角函数计算快32%,MD5哈希测试快31%,作者还在最新的版本7中加入了语言包和便携版本。</p>    <p>Pale Moon 主要特性:</p>    <ul>     <li>为主流的处理器进行了高度优化</li>     <li>100% 基于 Firefox 源码</li>     <li>通过禁用一些冗余的和可选的代码降低了内存的占用</li>     <li>显著提升页面绘制和脚本的执行速度</li>     <li>更加稳定</li>     <li>支持 SVG and Canvas, 以及可下载的字体 (WOFF)</li>     <li>支持 HTML5 and WebGL (v4+)</li>     <li>支持 Firefox 扩展、主题和个性化</li>     <li>支持 OOPP (Out-of-process plugin execution)</li>     <li>通过移植工具可使用已有的 Firefox 个性化设置、书签</li>    </ul>    <p><strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326610824535674" target="_blank"> Pale Moon 9.1</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326611644829437" target="_blank">Pale Moon 9.1 x64</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326612438849270" target="_blank">Pale Moon 9.1 Portable</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326613235189370" target="_blank">Pale Moon 9.1 x64 Portable</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326614035139134" target="_blank">Pale Moon 8.0</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326614825525933" target="_blank">Pale Moon 8.0 x64</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326615620772385" target="_blank">Pale Moon 8.0 Portable</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326616409479537" target="_blank">Pale Moon 8.0 x64 Portable</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326617198652167" target="_blank">Pale Moon 3.6.28</a><br /> <strong>下载:</strong><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958326617990586428" target="_self">Pale Moon 3.6.28 Portable</a></p>    <p><em><strong>Changes in Pale Moon 3.6.28:</strong></em><br /> Changes:<br /> * DNS prefetching is now disabled by default to prevent router hangups<br /> Fixes:<br /> * Fix for browsing history not being saved in certain situations (Bug #705610)</p>    <p><strong><em>Changes in Pale Moon 9.1:</em></strong><br /> This update implements relevant fixes from Firefox 10 in terms of security and stability. Additional new functionality found in Firefox 10 has not been implemented. In addition, the following fixes:<br /> * Update to the status bar component to fix pop-up status and links, as well as a few other small issues.<br /> * Update to the add-on compatibility assistant to no longer display the status bar core add-on as selectable<br /> * Update to a few default settings based on usage metrics<br /> * Removed some commercial search engines (e.g. Amazon) and added DuckDuckGo/SSL</p>    <p>Homepage – <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958187020884320012" target="_blank">http://www.palemoon.org</a></p>